Chapter 8

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You sit in the back with Louis, with your head still resting on his arm. If you weren't mistaken, Zayn kept looking back at you two every once in a while. But why? It's not like you had anything with Louis. I mean you never would right? Well it didn't matter, even if you did like Louis, he would never like you. You end up drifting off to sleep without even realizing it. You wake up when the car stops in the iHop parking lot and Louis strokes your face to wake you up. "Rae?" your eyes flutter open to his gorgeous blue ones. "Sorry" you yawn. "Don't be." he flashes you a smile and helps you out of the car. As you're walking with Louis you feel Zayn's eyes burning the back of your head. But why did he care now? You and Louis were always this close.

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