Chapter 3

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You wake up to someone gently waking you up by stroking your hair off your face. "Lou?" you sit up and stretch while yawning. "C'mon babe, I'm not going to allow you to eat because we are going to have a feast after you get those off." he pokes your cheek and smiles at you and you get up and put your contacts in and allow your hair to go natural and wavy unlike normal. You put on a little makeup and brush your teeth. You looked so different. Your sandy blonde hair actually looked good and your ocean blue eyes popped without your glasses. You truly went from geek to chic overnight, and your braces weren't even off yet. You quickly grab your bag then link arms with Lou to his car, feeling more nervous than usual. "Rae, chill out. You're gonna look even more beautiful than you already do. Trust me." you nod. You hated going to the orthodontist. It was pure torture. "I'll distract you. Hmm let's see. Where do you want to go to breakfast?" "iHop?" "You got it babe." He taps your nose. "Should we invite Perrie and Zayn?" you ask. "Sure. We'll swing by after and pick them up." you pull up to the orthodontist and you get instant butterflies.

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