Chapter 14

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About a month after Castor's quest, he was finally becoming an angel once again. The sun was shining at the altar, everybody smiling and excited. In the front row sat Dylan, Matthew, and Rachel. A nice warm glow casted upon the marble seats and statues, everything pristine and filled with happy color.
    "In your power you have returned the lost pearl of Akaria, slayed the only creature known to kill demons and angels, and you have possession over the Infinity Sword. With that comes a great responsibility, one you didn't back away from. Are you ready to be an angel once again?" Heavenly Father speaks in a cheery voice
    "I am." Castor smiles
    "Then it is my greatest pleasure to welcome you back Castor Evansan, guardian of all angels." Heavenly Father grins ear to ear, taking a crystal and drawing a light marking on Castor's head. The mark soon faded and the grey in Castor's wings started to turn to a very light grey, the gold in his wings soon turning to a brighter version, almost glistening in the sunlight. A large grin appears on his face, every angel in the audience clap their hands on this joyous day. Castor steps away from the pedestal and walks over to Dylan and his family as people start to stand up to go to the reception area for a celebratory party.
    "I'm so happy for you Cassie!" Dylan squeals, hugging his angel
    "The lighter tone looks nice on you Castor, i'm hoping that won't be a problem." Rachel complements
    "Thank you, i really don't mind as long as i am back." Castor sighs in content, doing a bro hug with Matthew.
    Out from the crowd walks a thin girl, appearing to be in her twenties. She has light brown hair and the tips are blonde. As she walks toward the group, the trail on her aqua dress sparkles like her azure eyes. The silver strapping heels click clack on the flooring, making her entrance even more intriguing. The pink lipped lady reaching her destination, large smile on her face.
    "Hello boys, mother. It's nice to see you again. And it is nice to finally meet you Castor, i have heard a lot about you." she giggles
    "It is nice to meet you too, im sorry but who are you?" Castor asks
    "Oh right, silly me, i am Echo. I'm Dylan and Matt's sister." she introduces, putting out her hand to shake.
    "Oh, i've heard a lot about you too, so can you really talk to them in your mind?" Castor asks, shaking it.
    She stays quiet and closes her eyes and nobody speaks but suddenly, he hears her voice in his head
    "Yes, yes i can" she laughs
    "Oh lord, no thank you!" Castor exclaims, shaking his head vigorously, wanting her voice to get out. The four of them laugh at Castor's reaction. Rachel recalls it to be like the first time Echo went into Dylan's mind.
    "Please, never do that again" Castor pleas
    "Alright, alright. It looks like Dylan is my testing subject again." she giggles lightly, earning a grumpy face from Dylan that makes you think of the grumpy cat.
    "Are we gonna go party or what?" Matt asks the group
    "Lets go have some fun." Castor smiles and the five go to the reception room where food of all sorts are spread out. Fun music is playing as angels converse over all subjects of life. Many dance together at the beats and just live in the moment of immortality. As time passes, the party seems to wind down and Echo along with her mother race to the microphone on the stage. Dylan was on the opposite side of the room, talking to some old classmates from training.
    "Can we have your attention please?" Rachel asks
    Everyone turns to the two and all eyes are on them. Castor and Dylan look at each other with confused faces from across the room.
    "We would like to see our two soulmates have their first slow dance to make this night even more memorable?" Echo suggests
    All eyes then turn to the two boys and a spotlight is in the middle of the empty dance floor. The angels start clapping as the two start walking towards the middle. Softly, a song starts to play as the two become chest to chest. They hold their hands and start to slowly dance, a crimson blush on Dylan's cheeks.
    "H-hey." he says softly, looking up at Castor.
Castor opens his eyes and looks at the shy angel. "Hi" he replies with a small smile
Dylan looks at the scar, "What the Hell happened to us?"
"A little straight forward don't you think?" Castor asks
The two chuckle and lean in for a kiss, all light fading away as their eyes close and become present in their moment, never wanting to let go. Because the forgotten was no longer forgotten and the pure was no longer as weak as he seemed.

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