Chapter 10

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The next morning, Dylan woke to the smell of chocolate, and the sounds of sizzles. Eyes unable to adjust quickly, he puts a hand in front of his face, shielding the harsh light of the rising sun. He slowly slides his feet over the bed and onto the cold, wood floor. He pads over to the small kitchen to see Castor making chocolate chip pancakes. He walks to the fridge, pulling out orange juice.

"Oh, hey. You're up! How did you sleep?" Castor asks surprised to see Dylan up so early.
"Fine I guess. Thank you for asking." Dylan replies with a smile as he brings two glass cups to the table and fills them with the bright liquid
"Are you feeling better at all?" Castor asks giving Dylan a smile, flipping a large pancake over
"Yeah, I'll miss her....but she is in a better place now. She can finally be happy. And that gives me more time to watch over Jacoby." Dylan explains putting the juice carton back in the fridge
"That's good. I just finished the pancakes." Castor cheers diving the pancakes onto two plates and bringing them over to the table.

The two sit down on opposite sides of the table, quickly digging into the dark chocolatey goodness that tastes of heaven. Dylan's eyes roll back after taking his first bite, falling in love with the flavor.

"I'm guessing you like them?" Castor chuckles
"Like them? I love them! Please make them more often!" Dylan begs, emphasizing the word love.
"Ok ok, I will." Castor gives in
"Yay!" Dylan shouts as he takes his last bite.

Just then, Dylan's phone rings. He picks up the phone and sees a text from Matthew.

Matt: 9:37
Hey bro! Mom and I are gonna hang out today and we were wondering if you and Castor would like to come along? We plan to have a picnic and then just have family time. Whataya say?
Dylan: 10:38
I'm free! Let me ask Castor though, I don't know if he has to collect any souls but I can surely ask.

"Hey, Matt is wondering if you and I want to come with him and my mom for a family picnic. Do you want to go?" Dylan asks putting down the phone
"Sure, ask him where and when." Castor says washing off the plates

Dylan: 10:40
He says sure, what time and where?
Matt: 10:41
The park near the hill. Where we would go to play when we were kids. Does 11:00 work for you?
Dylan: 10:42
Ok, see you then!

"Do you know the park near that hill? With the cherry blossom tree?" Dylan inquires
"Yeah, I would volunteer and take the sick kids there to play during the warm weather when I was mortal." Castor smiles thinking back to those days
"Ok, I'm gonna get changed." Dylan says walking to the closet
"Alright, I'm getting in the shower. I'll be out in a few." Castor mentions, grabbing a towel, going into the bathroom, and shutting the door.

Dylan enters the walk-in closet and turns on the light. He goes over to his box of clothing that he has yet to put on a hanger. Purely out of laziness. Inside the box, he pulls out a light gray hoodie, light blue jeans, and a black t-shirt. He quickly strips down and pulls on his clean clothing, invited by warmth. He turns off the light and shuts the closet door. He then sits down on the bed and looks out the window, admiring the landscape before him.

"So, how's it going little brother?" Echo asks, returning to Dylan's mind
"Oh hey. It's going better. I feel a lot happier since I met Castor." Dylan admits blushing
"Well duh, he is your soulmate. But anyway, I didn't come just to ask how you are. I have good news!" Echo informs excitedly
"Well tell me!" Dylan giggles
"I was talking to my professor and he is good friends with the Keeper. And I asked him about soulmates and he told me that he doesn't know much. But the Keeper has multiple books on them." Echo explains
"Yes, and?" Dylan asks impatient
"Hold on, here's the good part. So I wondered, is there a book on how to turn a demon into an angel? And he said if there were to be a book, it would be in the soulmate section. So maybe you could convert Castor into an Angel!" Echo squeals
"What? Are you insane? Castor would never agree to that!" Dylan points out
"But what if he did? Would it be that bad? Then you would have no reason to not be together, and do you know how miserable he is down in Hell?" Echo explains
"He misses being an angel?" Dylan asks at a whisper
"Of course he does. He is meant to be an angel. Or else he would have been reincarnated." Echo explains once again to her brother
"I never put in thought how lonely he must have been before he met me... I'll talk to him. And maybe if he says yes, we will look for that book." Dylan decides
"Good boy. Have fun at family time. Sorry I can't come, if I want to guard Heavenly Father's throne, I must stay." Echo sighs
"Alright, I love you." Dylan smiles
"I love you too" Echo whispers as her voice fades from Dylan's mind

At that moment, Castor opens the bathroom door with a towel wrapped around his waist. He walks over to the dresser and pulls out boxers. He then goes into the closet and puts on a black button up collared shirt with a pocket on the left, and black jeans. He walks out, turns off the light, and shuts the closet door. He walks over to the bed and sits down, beginning to put on his shoes.

"So, my sister tells me that there is this book. In the Keeper's library, and it's for soulmates." Dylan starts, putting on his shoes
"What's your point?" Castor asks
"And it tells how to turn a demon into an angel..." Dylan explains

Castor stops what he is doing and looks into Dylan's eyes.
"Are you serious?" He asks
"Yes..." Dylan answers
"Oh my lord! Thank you!" Castor shouts quickly pulling Dylan into a hug
"I, I thought you would be mad.." Dylan states, in shock from Castor's embrace
"No, never. I could never be mad at you. I have been living my life in the dark for so long, and ever since I met you, I have been reintroduced to the light, and I have missed it so much." Castor explains
"Wow, well after this picnic, let's go to the Library and ask the Keeper for the book." Dylan orders

Castor stands up and offers his arm to Dylan.

"Shall we?" He asks
"We shall." Dylan giggles standing up and wrapping his arm around Castor's.

Castor then kisses Dylan on the cheek before they make their way to the door, earning a blush from the younger.

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