Chapter 12

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Hours quickly passed, sadly for the family and it was getting closer to the afternoon. The sun was now a light yellow and the skies were a pale blue, with the occasional white clouds in the sky. More families have come to the park and fits of laughter is heard from below the hill. Dylan and Castor left, with smiles on their faces, their muscles and stomachs hurting from laughter and smiling so much.

"So, where to next?" Dylan asks as they cross the street.
"Wanna go to the library? It would be the perfect time to do so." Castor suggests as they turn a corner.
"Sure! It will be nice to pay the Keeper a visit." Dylan giggles once again
"I love hearing that noise." Castor sighs as they turn invisible from the mortals.
"What noise?" Dylan asks, eyebrow raised
"That giggle of yours. It's lighthearted and honest. Very angel-like of you." Castor replies, chuckling at the end
"Hey! Stop it." Dylan pouts blushing as the accelerate into the sky.
"Whatever am i doing?" Castor teases
"That's it, im not talking to you." mutters, audible for his lover to hear.

Dylan looks away and as he spoke, he tried, yet failed, to sound convincing. As if he were serious about not speaking. In the distance, buildings could be seen, one being the library.

"Yeah right, remember that we could die if we don't stay together Dyl." Castor jokes
"Whatever Cassie" Dylan grumbles with a blush

The two glide over to the stone infested clouds in the sky. Walking over to the gates, they are stopped by some guards that take after Matt's shift.

"No demons are to trespass." He states blankly
"He will be an angel soon, let us in." Dylan argues
"No demons!" he states with an angry tone
"Ugh alright! I'm Castor Evansan!" Castor interrupts

Shock is panned across the guards face. They then apologize multiple times and step out of the way. The couples walks through the gates and head towards the library.

"Why did they apologize at your name?" Dylan asks
"Because i am the protector of the Infinity Sword. And i was kinda a big shot here." Castor blushes at the end, scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh, so it's like the invisible boy and the popular jock get together in a 2000's high school drama movie?" Dylan jokes opening the library door
"Great analogy Dylan" Castor laughs profusely walking in

The two boys walk into the grand library with marble and gold structures with shiny metallics glittering the floor and painted ceilings with legendary angels. Large cases of books lined up against the walls in many rows, almost hurting to the eye.Near the left back corner was a spiral staircase that lead to even more books. Central to the building was a redwood desk with stacks of books around them and behind was a chair. Sitting in the chair was a man with bright blue hair and dark brown eyes that seemed almost black. His hair was quiffed to what others would call perfection and he was sat still, writing what the boys assumed to be a novel.

"Keeper? Can you help us?" Dylan asks as the two walk closer to the desk
"Well that depends, what is it?" he asks looking up at the two, dropping his pencil
"Do you have a book about demons turning into angels?" Castor asks
"Huh, haven't heard a request for that book in a long time. Two centuries i believe. Let me check on that, follow me." he says, voice still a bit raspy from not speaking much that day

The three immortals walk up the spiral staircase up to the second floor. In the right corner, was a smaller staircase and to the side of that was a double door entrance to a balcony. Castor and Dylan follow the Keeper to the small bookcase, his dainty fingers graze the spine of the books until he finds the book they are looking for. He sighs in gratitude and pulls out the book, handing it to Castor.

"Here you go, it should give you all the answers you need. I realize you are a demon but i see you are a friend to dylan so you two can take it home with you. But you better bring it back after you become an angel." He demands walking away and back downstairs.
"Thank you!" Dylan shouts after him
"Anytime!" the blue haired angel replies

Dylan turns his head, about to say something but Castor was out on the balcony examining the book. Dylan pads over to him and rests his head on Castor's strong shoulder.
Castor takes a deep breath before opening the book. He skimmed through the pages, which weren't as many as he thought. After a few minutes of silence, Dylan speaks.

"Wait stop! Go back a page, i found it" stopping Castor from turning any more pages.
"If one wishes to become holy, they must go to the depths of hell, slay the Chimera, and return the lost pearl of Akaria...when you wish to return, you must hold the pearl and speak out the place of your home." Castor reads from the text.
"Seems simple enough, although if it requires you to retrieve something, I don't think anyone has brought back the pearl." Dylan says warily
"I'll bring it back" Castor reassures the angel of white
"I hope.." Dylan sighs, holding Castors hand and giving it a tight squeeze
"I love you Dyl." Castor admits for the second time
"I love you too Cassie." Dylan admits back, before giving him a peck on the lips.

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