Recovery & Discovery

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"He's getting better." The new doctor had simply put. I, once again, waited outside the door of the room that uncle Jisung was recovering in. This time, Lucas was by my side. But, to be honest, all we did was stare into space.

All of a sudden, I saw a little light from a corner. I squinted at it, trying to find out what it was, but soon it went away and revealed a smug-looking Taeyang, holding a flashlight.

"Very funny, Taeyang." I raised an eyebrow at him, then shot a quick smile once I caught a whiff of the beautiful smell coming from the bag he was holding in his other hand.

"What's that you got there?" Lucas swiped at the white plastic bag he was carrying, and missed.

"Wow, our ace has a weakness? I never knew... Food!" He teased a pouting Lucas, who was still trying to grab the steaming food.

"Ah, Taeyang, are you just here to tease us or have you actually brought us food?" I crossed my arms.

"Ah, sorry Y/N, I got carried away." Taeyong swung the bag at Lucas' face, missing it by a millimetre. Lucas growled back, snatched the bag, and eyed Taeyang, who was now rolling his way out of the ward, laughing.

"That was slightly... Eventful." Lucas stuffed his face with a vegetable roll. "Yum."

"Give me some!" I slapped his arm before taking two for myself.

Taeyang was kind enough to buy us vegetable rolls, with three medium-size pots of noodles.

Lucas stared at the third. "Who's that for?"


"Oh." He was just about to rush in with the box when he got knocked over by the doctor coming out of the room again.

"Lucas! Are you okay?!" The doctor and I both ran to help him up, but we didn't realise that he had spilt the pot of noodles.

"What do we do now?" Lucas scratched his head, looking down on the floor where the noodles had been spilt.

"We can share a pot and give a full one to uncle. We could also take the noodles that haven't hit the floor and-"

Lucas rolled his eyes. "Too much effort. Let's just share, eh?"

After we finished our noodles, we stared at the spilt pot for a while. Lucas bent over it and put his hands together and whispered, "RIP noodles. We'll miss not having to eat you." I sat on the chair, watching Lucas become an idiot when I looked up and saw Dawon walking down the corridoor.

"L-Lucas... Dawon's hair..." My eyes started to water as I noticed his hair was noodle-like. I held in my laugh, but Lucas on the other hand, just smirked as he picked up his fork. He waited for Dawon to come closer and notice the noodle pot before jumping at his hair, pretending to eat it.

"Yah! Get off me!"Dawon pushed him off before doing a mini crawling-sprint, then picking himself up to run, and Lucas went after.

And I was left alone for a few minutes.

I fiddled with my thumbs, hoping the two would come back, but just when I was about to go and look for them, doctor Jin came out and flashed a quick smile at me, then gestured a sign with his hand indicating that I should go in.

Uncle Jisung lay on the bed with his eyes wide , but tears were clearly gathering. I sat on the side chair by him, and once he escaped his chain of thoughts and noticed I was here, he wiped his years away and looked at me with a serious expression. "Y/N... out there, it's dangerous for you. I've decided that the best option for you is to have you here. If you want, we can put you up to become an assassin, it doesn't take much skill to start. Your training is real-life missions. How does that sound?"

I scratched my head. "The assassin bit... I'll think about that later. But I'd love to stay here with the rest." I looked at the scar on my arm Taeyong was talking to me about, and his words continuously repeated in my head.

"I know it's important to find what they want from you, but with your determination, they can't possibly find out where that treasure lies."

"Uncle!" I shifted my gaze from the scar to uncle's face. "When I was young, and fell over... Did I have an operation on the wound?"

He froze. "Yes, you did. Why?"

"Could what they are looking for be... Inside of me?" I tilted my head.

"Y/N, what are you-?"

I cut him off. "If you're going to tell me I'm talking nonsense again, I'm leaving." Uncle didn't reply. "I want an x-ray done for my scar. And nothing you say will alter my determination." I left uncle and dragged Jin out to the x-ray room.

Lucas had by now come back to the seating area and noticed I was gone, so he entered the room to find uncle sitting stiffly upright. He noticed his son walk in, but couldn't take in what was happening.

"If she finds out what it is... She'll put herself in grave danger." His hand shook as he pointed out of the door towards the scanning room. Lucas followed it, and went to the room to find me being led in to have a scan by Rowoon.

"Rowoon, what do I need to do?"

"Just leave your hand resting on that desk, and we'll provide you with an x-ray in less than 2 minutes." The handsome face winked at me.

I watched the little scanners rotate around my arm clockwise, then anti-clockwise, then back round again. Then Rowoon signalled for me to come out. He pointed at a large screen that was loading an image, then it suddenly popped up.

"What on earth is that?" I pointed at a thick object that was right next to the scan of my bone.

"The colour means that... It's possibly metal?" Rowoon scratched his head.

"What the-" another voice other than Rowoon whispered into my ear, and I spun round and slapped the person by accident.

"Y/N! What was that for?" Lucas cupped his cheek, then rubbed it as I looked at him sheepishly.

"Sorry." I shrugged. "But... Do you know what that thing is?" I pointed at the weird object again.

"Honey, that's no ordinary object." The tone of Lucas' voice completely changed. "It's a prime bullet."

I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "What the heck is that?"

SF9: Knights of The Sun #1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now