Jungle Game

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Here we go.

I fiddled with the keys for a moment before opening the door. Zuho threw himself over the sofa before I slapped his legs, indicating he make some space for me. I sat down ajd picked up my phone to call Jennie.

I slowly dialled in the numbers.



"Y/N, you okay?" Zuho stared at me weirdly. "You're doing that really slowly."

"It's okay. I'm fine." I breathed in and started typing the digits into my phone again.

"Ay, Jennie?" I tried to sound as normal as possible.

"Yah, Y/N, where were you last night? I came over to yours to check on you but you weren't there."

Zuho grabbed some paper and started scribbling down words manically.

'Say u were on a date and u hav someone to show 2 her'

I nodded, and said what he told me to say.

"You want me to meet him?" Jennie sounded excited. "What if I steal him from you?"


"No way in hell." I winked at Zuho. "Get ur lazy butt over here ASAP." I cut the call.

Zuho sighed. "Now we just need to wait."

We had planned that as soon as Jennie rings the doorbell, Zuho runs into the toilet and pretends that he's using it when actually, he's just cocking a gun. just in case that girl gets up to some funny business.

"Hey gurl," Jennie walks in with a few bags full of clothes.

"Don't tell me you're spending the night with me and the other person I wanted to show you." I giggled. "Sit down on the sofa. He just went to use the toilet."

"Cool." She said before sitting down.

I sat on the sofa opposite her, but I couldn't help but notice how creepily Jennie was staring at me.

Oh gosh, would she really be wiling to murder someone?

Suddenly, Jennie lunged at me with a gun in one hand and a knife in the other. I let out a little scream before dodging and running to the toilet door. Banging on it to get his attention, I was watching Jennie eye me.

"Tsk tsk, Y/N, you're just too weak. Make my life easier for me and just die, will you?" She twisted the knife in her hands before looking up at me again.

"I'm going to ask you the exact same thing I asked your stupid father, Y/N." I gritted my teeth at the mentioning of dad. "You die so I let the guy in the toilet free, or he dies so I let you free. Your father died so you could live since you were our original target. Now that your father has been rid of, it's way easier to get to you."

Cocky much.

"You think, Jennie. I thought you were my friend. And I told you everything, I trusted you. I should've known that you never actually shared much with me since I was the one always talking."

"Shut it, wimp." Jennie charged at me once again with the knife in front of her, and again I managed to dodge but this time the knife went through the toilet door, and Jennie couldn't yank it out.

At that exact moment, Zuho forced the door open with such speed that it threw Jennie into the toilet and making her fall into the toilet bowl.

I thought she was finally done and would stop, but in a split second that I didn't have time to react, Jennie slowly pulled her gun out again. I was frozen to the spot, knowing that if I made any sudden moves she'll shoot me.

Zuho realised she was ready to pull the lever, and managed to jump out in time to block the bullet from hitting me. At the sound of the gunshot, though, I had slid behind the sofas.

I heard a low, slow cry of pain from the toilets before noticing that Jennie had run inti the back garden.

That moan was-

"ZUHO!" I picked myself up and ran to the toilet to find him sprawled across the floor next to a growing puddle of blood. Tears were welling in my eyes, and I wasn't thinking straight. I couldn't tell where he had been shot.

"Y/N." Zuho's calm, low voice was soothing. "I've been shot in the arm. It's good."

"No it isn't," I strongly protested. "You're bleeding! How are we going to get her?"

"Phone." Zuho took it off me with his other hand and started to dial in numbers. "I'm calling Inseong for backup."

"But wouldn't it be too late by the time he comes?" I tapped my fingers on his forehead out of anxiousness.

Zuho thought for a few moments before handing me his gun.

"This was the first ever gun that was given to me. I call it my 'lucky gun', since I always take this one with me on missions that might end up with someone innocent dying. And it really is lucky."

"What are you trying to-"

"Get yourself together, Y/N. Get up and go show her that you're prepared."

"But I-"

"Your father was ready physically, but he was not willing to pull the trigger at her. You know that." Zuho put his good hand on my shoulder.

What did he say?

SF9: Knights of The Sun #1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now