Watch Out

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It was about 5 in the evening and I was walking down the market road. I had my headphones in, listening to tame, calm music. The first song playing was 'eyes, nose, lips' by Taeyang.

мιanнae, мιanнae, нajιмa
naega cнoraнaejι janнa
ppalgan yeppυn ιвѕυllo
eoѕeo nareυl jυgιgo ga
naneυn gwencнanнa...
As the music played, vivid memories of my family when we were all one flashed through my mind.
neoυι nυn, ĸo, ιв
nal мanjιdeon ne ѕongιl
jageυn ѕonтopĸĸajι da
yeojeonнι neol neυĸĸιl ѕυ ιтjιмan-

I got pushed over to one side by a tall figure who paused and glared at me. Another slightly shorter male walked up from behind me, and my gaze moved from the first to the second. The second one shot daggers through his eyes, and although his facial features were unbelievably charming, that all washed away by his attitude. He put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

"Watch out, bitch."

Whoa, he did not just call me that.

There were about 10 of them, all walking in a big huddle. I stared at them. What was their problem?

One of them with red hair paused and turned around to look at me. He strode towards me and my heart started to beat faster. He was also very good-looking, but was he like the other one?

"I'm sorry about Inseong," he smiled weakly. His tense posture loosened, and I realised that he was different. So that's what the arrogant one is called.

"Inseong's dad passed away recently, and we were planning the funeral. He's not in the best mood." His eyes looked deep into mine, but they weren't just caring. There was definitely something he was looking for or hiding.

I looked down. "I'm sorry. I know how he feels." I fumbled around in my bag until I found the box of chocolates. Taking one of my rose pink napkins, I took two chocolates without being picky and wrapped them in it. I held the man's hand, put the napkin in his hand, then wrapped his fingers around it. "Give this to him. I got this chocolate box from my friend, but I'd like to give him some. Tell him I'm sorry for his loss and... Yeah."

"My name's Zuho, by the way."


Zuho carefully put the napkkn into his pocket, then leaned closer. "By the way, what's your friend's name? I might know her."

I said the name without thinking twice. "It's Jennie." His eyebrows twitched for a split second, and I stared in confusion.

"Sorry, I thought that name was familiar." He rubbed the back of his head and chuckled.

"Oi Zuho, you coming?" The white-haired one shouted from behind. He started pulling faces behind Zuho's back, and I tried not to laugh and pretend I didn't notice.

"Ah, that's Jennie right there!" I pointed across the street to see the hooded girl walking cautiously down the streets. I looked from Jennie to Zuho and noticed the confused expression that was now on his face. As soon as he realised I was looking at him, he smiled back, pretending as if nothing happened.

"I've got to go back and sort out some belongings, so... See you around?" He reached out and held my hand.

"Yeah, definitely."


Once I got back home, I opened the box of chocolates again. I noticed the green one was no longer there, and then I remembered the incident with Inseong and Zuho earlier.

Whoops, I gave them the green one. I should've been careful.
Then again, I wouldn't have to eat it.

I sat on the sofa, laughing lightly at myself while holding the TV remote with one hand and calling Jennie with the other.

"I'm coming over!" She whistled through the phone before she cut the call.

When she arrived, we both sat on the sofa together with bowls of popcorn Jennie brought with her. I decided I'd tell her everything, from their words to their names.

"...And then he said he had to go. He even asked me if I wanted to meet again," I said, dreamily, thinking about his good looks. Zuho.

Jennie POV

Those names.
She can't see them again.
I have to do something.

I stood up while showing no emotion and I walked up to the window. I couldn't let her see me smile like this.

"W-Why are you..." Y/N trailed off.

"Stay away from them." I tried to sound as stern as possible.

"Why should I-"

"They have enough power to kill you, Y/N."

"But I just made friends with one of them!" She sounded desperate as she protested.

That smile creeped up out of my mouth once again.

Looks like I'll have to get rid of her earlier.


Edited: 25/8/2018

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