Book 1: Final Chapter

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To say the Avengers were surprised when Thor and Anya suddenly appeared in the main control room at their now temporary base was an understatement. Tony nearly fell out of his chair, who had been closest to the projection of light when they landed, and when it cleared the two found themselves facing a few guns and a bow pointing in their direction.

"You're alive!" Steve exclaimed. Everyone lowered their weapons upon realizing who appeared on base. Hesitantly, Thor set the young woman down as they all sighed in relief.

"What happened?" Fury questioned.

They explained everything, Anya during her capture and Thor up until Loki stabbed her through the gut. When bringing up the topic about Asgard they almost couldn't stop Tony from asking all sorts of questions until Natasha threatened to knock him on his ass.

"What of my brother and the Tesseract?" Thor asked.

"They are being held in solitary confinement and are heavily guarded," the man stated. "This time we were sure he did not escape."

"The Tesseract belongs on Asgard. My father awaits its return, along with Loki."

"We can move them as soon as you're ready."

"Whoa, you're just going to hand it over now?" Steve asked, perplexed.

Before the Director had been so against it to see him willingly give in was a surprise.

"It has come to my attention that we are not equipped to handle such power and after the incident in New York it does not belong here. Besides, I'm not about to argue with a god."

Anya's lips twitched in a smirk as the Director ordered the prisoner to be moved and the Tesseract secured.

"Why are all of you still here?" she asked, looking around the group.

The young woman would have thought that the moment the battle was over they would wish to go their separate ways. Though based on the fact that they remained together must have meant they came to some kind of agreement and understanding of each other.

"We wanted to be sure you were alright," Natasha stated. "You nearly died."

"How are you feeling, by the way?" Bruce asked.

"Just fine," Anya said. "The wound is nearly gone."

His eyes widened. "The extent of that damage... That's impossible. Does Asgard's time differ from our own?"

It was the only reasonable explanation.

"No," Thor answered. "But in the Realm of the Gods our medicine is more advanced. It's the only reason she's still alive."

"Does that mean she's going to have super strength or something now?" Tony asked.

The man took a step away for good measure in case the young woman decided to demonstrate. It made Anya smirk.

"Don't worry, my ability to create illusions is the only thing I possess," she said.

"Well... that's a relief. But it would have been cool to see you go up against Thunder."

Anya couldn't help but laugh. In all honesty, she missed them. Even if they were a bit dysfunctional.


The Avengers were escorted through New York City to a spot with the most open area they could find. S.HI.E.L.D. agents were everywhere sectioning off a portion of Grand Central Park. The briefcase containing the Tesseract was brought forward and placed in a device with two handles for easy transportation. Anya forced herself not to move closer to Thor at the sight of Loki as he was taken from the black SUV.

His wrists were locked in front of him, a mouth guard preventing him from speaking. But his eyes honed in on the young woman with a mild look of surprise to see her still alive. Yet they could detect the hint of a smirk that came to his lips as the prince stepped in front of the agent to block his brother's gaze. Once Loki was far enough away, Thor turned to stare down at Anya, offering her a small smile.

"So... this is goodbye then," she was the first to speak. He nodded. "Thank you. For saving my life."

"There is no need to thank me, Anya,' he said. "For I will always come to your aid should you be in trouble."

"Well then, maybe I'll go searching for some danger." The two shared a laugh before the air between them went silent.

"I wish to say that I will return... but I do not know when."

Worry began to plague his thoughts at the fact that he was to leave her like he did so with Jane. That when he would return...

"I know," Anya said. "Just be careful."

Nodding, Thor went to leave before he stopped himself leaning in closer till his lips lightly touched her own. She could feel the stubble of his beard against her skin, reaching up and gripping a section of his armor to pull them closer. The young woman was glad to be hidden from view of the others by his broad shoulders otherwise neither would hear the end of it. Though it probably did look a little suspicious with the way his shoulders were slightly hunched to meet her height.

As they pulled apart the two stared each other in the eyes. When he realized the agent wasn't trying to pull away it made him relieved.

"I care for you, Anya."

"And I you."

They were beginning to take too long. Neither wanted one of their teammates to come over and see what they were doing.

"Now go. Before your father gets angry."

Giving a deep laugh Thor kissed her forehead before pulling away.

"And Thor," she called over, just loud enough for him to hear. "I will wait for you. To see if there's something more here. I promise."

The god grinned widely causing her to smile as well. He crossed the distance between him and his brother. Taking a handle to the container holding the Tesseract he offered the other end to the criminal, who hesitantly took it. Then in a swirl of colors, much like the ones that projected them back from Asgard, it swallowed the brothers whole. Sucking them into the sky they disappeared. The Avengers stood there for a moment, taking it all in. The mission had finally been completed. The Earth was safe for now. And they were all in need of the holiday.

Anya watched as Natasha and Clint took off in a car, Steve revving a motorcycle before peeling off into the city and waving as he left.

"Need a ride?" Tony called over. Bruce already sat in the passenger's seat.

"With you Stark, I'll have a heart attack from worry," she smirked. "I'll take my chances with the Director."

Following Fury to a car the two climbed in. Sitting opposite each other as they made their way to the helicarrier-landing site.

"Glad to have you back, agent," he said.

"Glad to be back, sir," Anya said.

There was work to be done.

To be continued...

Book 1: Mirage [Thor]Where stories live. Discover now