Chapter 5

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The ship remained active into the evening trying to locate Loki's hideout and recover their lost comrades, along with Dr. Selvig. By the time dinner rolled around no one had gotten any closer to finding answers. Anya sat down with a sigh and began playing with her food. Lost in thought as to where to go from here. Tony and Bruce had yet to surface from the lab, which was to be expected. Upon passing the two seemed to be having a field day with all of the high tech equipment. She thought of joining them, but hearing them throw around their scientific terminological terms the agent realized they had nothing in common. The whole situation would be awkward with her sitting on the side lines listening to them converse. She wouldn't understand a thing. Natasha was nowhere to be found, which wasn't a surprise. She always kept busy when troubled. And Steve wandered off hours ago to an undisclosed area of the helicarrier.

"May I join you?" Head picking up the agent was startled to find Thor standing on the other side of the table with a tray in hand.

"Um, sure..."

The chair scraped back and Anya's eyes scanned the room discreetly. The presence of the god caused a low murmur to run through the canteen as other agents openly stared, some pointing in their direction. Though it was rather odd. Not only the fact that an Avenger was in the room, but someone sat with Anya, the young woman who was always alone. She noticed the Asgardian's tray filled with an assortment of food.

"The lady who served me said the food is 'good'," Thor stated. "However, I do not recognize any of these strange things."

"Actually, only a few of them are actually good," Anya answered. Reaching forward, the young woman began removing a few items. "But you did fairly well for your first time."

She would never allow the god to subject himself to the meatloaf surprise. And a surprise it was hours after consuming. It nearly made you want to throw up, a mistake she had made in the first few weeks of living on the helicarrier. Anya had no idea why the dish was not taken off the menu. Barely anyone ate it, unless they were brave or wished to take a sick day.

"And what is this green thing that moves?" Thor asked.

Anya snickered. "It's called Jello." His brows furrowed. "It's safe, don't worry. I know the color is a little weird, but it's actually pretty good. And flavored."

To make a point the young woman ate some of her own. It took Thor a few times before finally managing to scoop some onto his spoon, as it kept slipping away. He chewed the gelatin slowly in curiosity before swallowing.

"You were right."

He reached over towards a sealed silver package and easily tore into it.

"You like pop tarts," Anya said.

Swallowing, he asked, "How did you know?"

"The fact that you didn't hesitate to eat it. I guess it was left over from breakfast."

"They are quite delicious. I had the pleasure of having them the last time I came to Midgard."

"Midgard?" He said the term a few times and it confused the agent.

"It is what we call your world. Earth."

'Oh', Anya mouthed, taking another bite of food. "You've come here before then?"

"More specifically a place called New Mexico."

"And why were you there?"

"It's a bit complicated... and long..."

The young woman shrugged. "I'm not doing anything... unless you don't want to share."

Thor stared at Anya chewing his food. She tried to think of an easier topic to talk about. Rather than sitting at the table awkwardly in silence.

"Why do you carry around a hammer?" the agent asked.

His eyes flickered towards the weapon sitting at his side. "It's called Mjolnir, and only the worthy can wield it. It is my weapon gifted to me by my father."

"Stark said something about you being the son of Odin. If I remember correctly he's a Norse God who rules Asgard."

"You speak the truth."

"Then that would make you a prince."

"Yes, I am the next in line for the throne when the time comes. I should have already taken my father's place, but... there was an incident. Though the wrongs were corrected, I am not worthy to take on the title as king quite yet."

Anya's brows furrowed, leaning back in the chair. "That doesn't make any sense."


"You say you're unworthy, but if that were the case you wouldn't be able to wield your hammer then. Sounds to me like you're ready to ascend to power. Just hesitant for your own personal reasons."

Thor smiled. "You speak with wisdom like Dr. Selvig." Anya felt her cheeks heat at the compliment. "The truth is that there is still much to be done to be sure the Nine Realms are at peace. While I can do that on my father's throne I cannot be there on the battlefield to be sure matters are handled. I don't believe I am ready to be sidelined. There is still much to learn."

"You really care about Earth, and the countless others that live in other realms, don't you?"

"It is my responsibility to protect Midgard, but yes, I do. For mortals and beings under us they deserve peace. Not to be ruled by a tyrant or dictator."

"Like Loki." His expression hardened. The young woman understood right away this was a touchy subject. "Sorry."

Glancing around the cafeteria, Anya realized they were the only ones left. Standing and taking the tray with her, the agent paused before leaving.

"There's nothing wrong with fighting for the right thing." Thor's head picked up to stare at her. "Even if that means losing something precious to you. It's hard at first and you blame yourself because of it... But the pain eventually goes away."

"And how do you know of this?"


Anya left the god to his thoughts with the cryptic answer.

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