Chapter 15

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There was a change in plans when the god realized he lost his prisoner. He was looking forward to making the young woman suffer and having Thor watch. Loki didn't have the chance to get close to the last mortal and grew excited with the possibilities for this one. Tony Stark had messed up his plans. No matter. There were always other ways.

Walking out along the balcony when the billionaire entered, his outer appearance changed as the war uniform materialized into place. Preparing for the invasion now at hand. There were always screams and chaos in the streets far below. Not long after the portal opened, his brother appeared. Landing on the lower wraparound walkway.

"Loki!" Thor's voice boomed. "Turn off the Tesseract or I will destroy it!"

"You can't!" the enemy stated. "There is no stopping it. There is only the war."

"So be it."

Loki lunged through the air bringing down the scepter as it clashed with Thor's hammer. Blasts flew through the air as the prince dodged every one, avoiding the scepter at all costs. One could be fatal, even for him. One narrowly missed an arm as the blue light dislodged the letter 'K' from Tony's spelled out last name on the side of the tower. It went crashing to the ground below seconds before a small aircraft pulled up and began firing when Thor was thrown away.

Natasha, Clint, and Steve were inside the quinjet, never letting up their assault. Even when their bullets seemed to have little effect on the god. Glaring, Loki's attention turned as another blast expelled from the tip hitting an engine. The explosion threw the balanced ship around as Natasha tried to regain control, but with only one engine there was no possible way to correct their position. They needed to make an emergency landing. As the enemy aimed to take another shot at the defenseless vessel Thor tackled his brother to the ground roughly. Managing to pull away, their weapons clashed before coming to a deadlock facing each other.

"Where is Anya?" Thor questioned.

"Scared for your mortal, Thor?" Loki taunted.

His eyes hardened in warning. "If you have harmed her–"

"You'll kill me?" He chuckled cruelly. "Oh no, I'm not quite done with her yet. I have yet to break her." Thor did not need to know the young woman had disappeared. Taunting would help distract the prince.

The swing Mjolnir nearly sent Loki on his backside, dodging the next attack. Their weapons locked as an explosion occurred below drawing their attention if but for a moment.

"Look at this!" Thor shouted. "Look around you! You think this madness will end with your rule?"

"It's too late," he breathed. "It's too late to stop it."

"No, we can. Together."

The enemy seemed to consider his words for a moment. Before discreetly pulling a short blade from his waist and thrusting it into Thor's side. The attack caused him to drop the hammer, stumbling backwards and clutching the wound, falling to his knees.

"Sentiment," Loki smirked. "Oh, my dear brother, you will all bow down before me. Especially when you will have nothing left to live for."

Loki took the scepter, spinning it in hand before thrusting it backwards. Blood began to drip down the blade before the empty area began to warp. Thor couldn't breathe, watching as Anya's form came into focus. Her eyes were wide, arm raised with a dagger in hand aimed at the god's back. But the approach was useless now. The young woman coughed, blood flowing from her lips.

"What have you done?" Thor shouted. The weapon was violently jerked out and the young woman stumbled falling over the edge of Stark Tower. "No!"

The Asgardian rushed forward swinging around Mjolnir with such force even Loki couldn't protect himself. The God of Mischief slammed into the building side, Thor lunging off the roof and falling after Anya.

This time as the young woman fell she didn't scream. There was no panic. She remained limp as gravity pulled her down. Eyes cracked open and dazed staring up at him. Urging himself to move faster the god quickly caught up pulling Anya into his chest and slowing their descent. Ducking behind overturned cars Thor kneeled, laying the agent down, still cradling the mortal's upper body in his arms.

"Anya, Anya!" he shook her.

Her eyelids opened a little more to look at him. A hand pressed against the wound attempting to stanch the flow. Anya gasped in pain, a hand flying up and weakly trying to push away.

"Stay with me, do not close your eyes."

Glancing over the hood of the car his eyes searched for help only to duck again from wandering Chitauri. He couldn't fight them all off without leaving the young woman unprotected. That was not an option.

There were sirens going off everywhere in the city as the inhabitants ran for cover. Help would be a few blocks down aiding the wounded to safety. Lifting Anya into his arms a strangled groan escaped her lips at the movement before the Asgardian took flight. His eyes caught sight of people in uniform blocks down landing among them and drawing their attention.

"Help!" he shouted.

Those in medical outfits rushed forward. One dragging a rolling bed from a waiting ambulance.

"What happened?" a female doctor questioned as the god laid her down.

"She was stabbed trying to help me."

Lifting the young woman's body slightly off the bed to examine the back covered in blood, a finger tugged at the cut open cloth.

"It's a clean cut," the woman stated, settling her down again. "Straight out the back." She shone a light into both eyes examining the reaction before putting it away. "She needs support now. Fall back to the outer edge with the others. We have enough to carry right now."

Anya's hand found his locking eyes with the prince. Her skin grew pale, breathing heavy pants, struggling. She was terrified. He could see it in the mortal's expression. So was he as the white bedding underneath her began to turn red, but refused to show it. Thor needed to be strong for her sake.

"Everything will be alright," Thor reassured.

He stroked her hair as the others strapped her down, one ripping open the top of the uniform to gain a better look at the wound. The sight of the injury made the prince angry.

"I will come back for you."

"We need to move," the paramedic stated, wheeling her away.

Her hand left his. The god's palm felt cold without her touch. Gripping Mjolnir tightly Thor became even more determined to enter this war and flew off in search of the others.

It wasn't long until he found Natasha, Clint, and Steve fighting off against an alien squad on one of the streets close to Stark Tower. Swooping in the Asgardian took care of the rest of the Chitauri. They turned on each other relieved to see a friendly face. The assassin's eyes lowered, widening.

"What happened?" Natasha asked, seeing the blood. It was caked on his hands and armor.

"It is not mine," Thor stated. "Anya is injured."

That caught their attention. "Where is she?" Clint asked. "Loki?"

"He stabbed her with the scepter. Now she is safe and being cared for with healers."

Clint's grip on his bow tightened. The news seemed to make Steve and Natasha more determined than ever to get rid of the Chitauri and face Loki. Nodding Steve asked,

"What's the story upstairs?"

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable," the prince said.

"Thor's right," came Tony's voice over the earpiece. "We gotta deal with these guys."

"How do we do this?" Natasha asked.

"As a team," Steve stated.

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