Chapter 7

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"I really don't think this is necessary," Anya said.

"Director Fury seems to think so," Coulson answered.

The young woman cocked a brow, as Thor stood against the wall. The agent met her superior in the center of the training bay as a few other agents performed training exercises around them. Coulson rarely showed up in this part of the room, more of an overseer instead of being an active participant.

"I'm not going against you," the young woman said.

"That wasn't the plan."

Something dropped in from above. Anya quickly rolled out of the way to find Natasha had been the attacker from the rafters above.

"Focus, Fredrickson," Coulson coached.

She sent a glare in his direction before blocking a kick from the assassin. Thor stood a little straighter at Natasha's sudden appearance. Coulson retreated from the mats to stand beside the Asgardian.

"I must ask too if this is necessary," Thor spoke up.

"Trust me, she'll be fine," the man reassured. "Fredrickson may not look it, but she's a lot stronger than you think."

The two agents were rolling around on the mats meeting each other blow for blow. Eventually the sweat from the workout caused their stray hair to stick to the sides of their faces and the back of the neck. The god had to admit the display was impressive, these mortals who were so delicate and fragile displaying such power. And they weren't afraid to show a little aggression either to gain the upper hand. His brow raised as Anya grabbed ahold of Natasha to throw her over a shoulder through the air. The redhead hit the mat roughly.

"She is most skilled," Thor commented.

Coulson chuckled, "They both are. Fredrickson joined a few years after Romanoff. I guess you could say Black Widow took her under her wing and trained Fredrickson when she wasn't on missions."

"She hasn't been here long?"

"Not like some. Her reason for joining was different."

This caught Thor's attention, turning away from the spar to stare at the man. "What did she do before joining?"

"It's not my place to say. You'll have to ask her if she's willing to share."

A loud thtum sounded on the mats. The prince found Natasha harshly pinned to the ground chest first with Anya literally lying on top. Putting all her body weight into the pin to make it successful.

"Give up?" the young woman panted.

"You wish," Natasha breathed.

In an instant the two were rolling around again. Both trying to gain the upper hand before Anya was shoved into the ground.

"Give up?" Natasha wondered.

Anya smirked and somehow managed to slip out of the hold. This back and forth went on for another hour, circling each other at times in observation before attacking once more.

"Enough." The agents paused before looking over at Coulson. "I believe that is enough training for one day. Glad to see you haven't lost your touch, Agent Fredrickson."

She offered him a crooked grin. Breathing out heavily, the young woman fell to the mat to sprawl out in exhaustion. Both arms were bent on either side of her head, one hand trying to brush away the stray hair with little results.

"I try," she muttered.

"Well, at least I know you're not slacking when I'm gone," Natasha stated before leaving.

With closed eyes Anya could hear Coulson and the woman converse as they left the room, while a heavy set of footsteps made their way over before pausing. Eye cracking open the young woman found a hand in sight.

"That was most impressive," Thor praised.

Taking the offer, the Asgardian tugged Anya to her feet. Though the force behind the pull was a little much. The agent nearly lost her balance if the god's other hand didn't catch the back of her sweaty shirt in time.

"Sorry," she said.

"It was entirely my fault. I am used to pulling up Volstagg, and he is a rather large individual."

Anya smirked as he let go and they left the room.

"All the same, thank you. I'm going to go take a shower. Guess I will see you around."

"Yes, you will."

The god watched her disappear down the hall. "Thor!" The man turned to find Director Fury behind him. "We need to talk."

Even he knew this wasn't going to end well.

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