Chapter 10

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Walking back to the room neither spoke. Upon entering, the Asgardian noticed the bed sheets were thrown haphazardly off the bed. The only area disturbed from the way that the rest of the room appeared to be in place. Setting the young woman on her feet Thor glanced down at the mortal.

"Do you wish to be alone?" he asked.

Immediately there was a reaction. Anya's hold tightened, body tensing. "Please don't leave," she begged.

A reassuring hand rested against the agent's head, "As you wish."

Tugging the covers back into place, Anya slipped into the attached bathroom. Wiping the drying tears from the cheeks she tried to comb the hair back into a more presentable look. She gave up soon after starting, too exhausted to even care. The young woman crawled into bed, eyes barely open long enough to pull the sheet up far enough to the waist before passing out. Thor sat in a chair beside the bed, reaching over to draw the material higher so she felt more comfortable. Sighing heavily the god sat back in the seat getting comfortable for the evening. Loki nearly succeeded in his mission of chaos, having blinded them all until the last possible second. They were lucky the prince had been there to catch her, thankful for the talking device in his ear to lead the way. Still, the fact that Loki targeted Anya worried him greatly, actually feeling truly angry with his brother for the first time.

Thor watched as the agent's body shifted under the covers. This happened a few more times before subconsciously a hand pulled away the sheets. Anya's brow furrowed, clearly in discomfort. She began tossing as a nightmare settled in. He couldn't watch anymore, reaching forward and shaking the young woman. She awoke with a start, panting in fear and wildly searching her surroundings. As if relieved to still be inside.

"Are you alright?" Thor asked.

Anya shook her head, hands rubbing at tired eyes. It felt as if the agent were going insane.

"Again," the young woman whispered. "I know what Loki's trying to do, but it's hard to stop myself. I can't get it out of my head."

"You need sleep."

"I can't. I'll just end up on the platform again. Falling."

She shuddered at the thought.

"You'll be even more vulnerable to my brother if you do not receive proper rest, Anya."

"Then either lock me in a cell or tie me down because I'll end up walking again to sleepwalk. I know I will and once was enough."

"What is it that troubles you?" Silence. Obviously the subject wasn't a pleasant one from the hesitation. "I am sorry–"

"I wasn't always an agent," Anya interrupted. "A few years after I graduated college, I went on an expedition into the Middle East... a desert across the sea."

The prince nodded in understanding.

"I used to uncover artifacts and remains of civilization all over the world for research and excitement for discovery. But there was a war going on. Knowing the danger my professor made all of the arrangements to make sure we were safe, our location known by the army, and gained permission from the country we were at war with to uncover a site. In a sense it was a peace offering since the tension wasn't as bad at the time, willing to work for them and share our findings since they had no funds to do it themselves.

"No one said anything about the Taliban still hiding in that part of the desert. A group defected from the country's armed forces and held their own beliefs on how the war should be run. We were attacked without warning."

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