Chapter 12

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The green beast was in sight as Thor slammed into his side seconds before crushing the collapsed Natasha. They went flying through a wall into another hangar as staff quickly ran away trying to make sense of the situation. Standing Thor watched his opponent carefully and they circled each other. The Hulk grunting in anger. His fists slammed against the floor and rushed the god, who met the attack and held him at bay.

"We are not your enemies, Banner," Thor spoke. "Try to think!"

The beast lifted the man off the ground and punched him through a wall. Those in the room scattered trying to get out of the way. But the Hulk honestly didn't care about them stalking towards his opponent.

Testing his jaw, the god crouched on the ground arm outstretched. Everything was shaking as the beast charged forward. Thor didn't move until Mjolnir was securely in his grasp. Whirling around the hammer came up under his opponent's jaw, throwing Banner across the hold and destroying everything in his wake. The helicarrier wouldn't last long if this match continued on.


Anya herded unprotected agents to safety. Covering their backs when the enemy drew too close. Suddenly the carrier shifted from loss of power causing her shoulder to collide with a wall when trying to catch herself.

"An... cop..."

Clenching her jaw, the young woman ripped the earpiece out and threw it away, the device completely useless. It only served as a distraction right now.

"Move, move!" the young woman shouted to those running away. Friendly fire rang out in the commotion, aiding the agent that stood alone.

"We've got this hall!" a man shouted.

"I've moving on then!" she said.

"Good luck!"

Rushing through the smoke it obscured her vision sending forth illusions in case the enemy lay ahead. Ducking inside a wall inset, more men in black rushed past. Too many for her to take on alone. It was then a thought came to the young woman cursing to herself and taking off down a separate hall without hesitation.


Thor approached the room that held his brother. Having been worried since the onslaught of the unknown enemy and the possibility of him being freed. Banner had been drawn out of the helicarrier and it was unclear where his potion was on the ground far below them. But there were more pressing matters to attend to as the door opened. Though to his horror he watched as the panel to the prison slid open.

"No!" Thor shouted rushing forward.

Loki fell back in his step to prepare for the rough tackle. However, to his surprise Thor found himself passing through the trickster's form crashing to the ground as the panel fell back into place. Stunned, the Asgardian whirled around to find himself alone in the prison and Loki standing on the platform near the controls.

"Are you ever not going to fall for that?" Loki questioned.

Out of anger the god slammed his hammer against the glass causing it to crack. Immediately, the container shifted. All movement in the room halted, waiting to see if it would drop. When nothing happened Loki smirked, stepping back towards the panel.

"Always so quick to act and not think of the consequences. That is what will get you killed."

"Let him go!"

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