Chapter 6

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The young woman felt groggy waking the next morning and pulled herself into the shower. She wasn't exactly sure what to do since becoming a new member to the Avengers team, and wondered if she should resume her old duties until something came up. The agent would have to ask Fury later, slipping into the dark blue S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform.

The canteen appeared fairly empty as Anya watched the woman behind the counter scoop the food onto the plate. She took a seat at the same table as yesterday. She wasn't even that hungry, twirling around the folk aimlessly lost in thought. All the agent wanted to do was go back to sleep. There had been too much on her mind last night, tossing and turning in bed. Unable to stay completely under for very long before waking up. Now she was getting a headache. A chair scraped across the floor drawing her attention as Thor sat down, Mjolnir by his side.

"Good morning," he greeted.

Anya blinked, surprised once again that he decided to join her. Luckily there weren't too many people to gawk at the sight. The agents present were still rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

"Morning," she answered.

The young woman didn't even realize she was staring, watching him eat, until the god spoke again, "Something troubles you."

Snapping out of it, Anya quickly looked away and forced some egg into her mouth. Despite having no appetite.

"No, I just didn't sleep well," she said. "Sorry."

"You do not need to apologize."

The young woman offered him a grateful smile sitting back in the chair and leaving the folk on the table. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

His brows furrowed. "I do not understand?"

"Is there something you need?"

"No, why?"

Anya's shoulders shrugged. "Curious."

"About what?"

"I don't normally have company unless it's regarding a mission or paperwork."

"You sit alone?" Anya nodded. "Why does no one join you?"

"I'm not the most open person," she answered. "Besides, I don't mind my own company."

There was a dazed look in her eyes as she glanced away towards the back wall. The prince stared at her profile, trying to figure her out. Like Natasha, Anya didn't outwardly express many emotions for someone to read, but at least there was something there to make her more approachable. One of the reasons Thor sought her out after leaving the Director and Coulson. He didn't understand what the doctor or man of iron spoke of in the lab. Steve always active and missing around the helicarrier, but otherwise didn't engage in much conversation, since he was just as confused about everything around them as he was. And Natasha, well, she wasn't exactly a people person. Coulson was nice enough but remained busy with Fury and Agent Hill.

"Who do you converse with?" Thor asked.

"Natasha, if she's here long enough after a mission." Turning to stare at the god she gave him a smile. "Don't pity me." The expression was written all over his face. "I prefer it most of the time anyway."

"You have no brothers or sisters?"

"No, I'm an only child."


A beat of silence passed before Anya answered with the unwavering smile, "No."

Thor thought for a moment on her words. "My brother and I grew up together in Asgard with my father and mother. We were taught how to be leaders, warriors, though Loki was more interested in his books and knowledge of magic because of our mother. He took after her."

"Sounds to me like you were both very different even as children."

Thor smiled. "Yes, we were. He was the one to reason with me in situations when I wished to engage without hesitation. He was cunning... and still is."

The agent waited as the god took a drink before continuing on, "I came to your world not very long ago, but it was not of my own will. I was banished to Midgard because I led my companions into Jotunheim, where the Frost Giants reside. I thought I was doing the right thing by attacking them, when some managed to slip inside the Asgardian vault to steal the Casket of Ancient Winters. A weapon they used when trying to conquer the Nine Realms. My father and his forces defeated them centuries before and seized the source of their power. Defeated, they returned to the dying planet of Jotunheim. In my arrogance I sought to destroy them for interrupting such an important day."

"You coronation," Anya pieced together.

Thor nodded, impressed by her guess. "I was angry that they killed some of our guards and that my father did not wish to confront them. But we would not have won the battle had my father not intervened. Upon returning home, I was cast out of Asgard as a mortal until I was deemed worthy to wield Mjolnir again. When I landed in New Mexico is where I met Jane, Dr. Selvig, and Darcy, astrophysicists within the scientific community. As I adapted to life on Midgard, Loki discovered that he was not of royal blood in Asgard, but adopted."

The god paused for a moment. Anya did not rush him to keep going.

"He was the son of Laufey, King of the Frost Giants."

Her breath hitched, not expecting to hear that.

"It was kept a secret, and the reason my brother never ascended to take our father's place... and never would. Father fell into Odinsleep to recover his strength, weary from fighting to protect us. It gave Loki the chance to seize the throne. Had it not been for Sif, Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun coming to find me, I would not have known what happened. They weren't happy under Loki's rule. The Destroyer, the one who guarded the vaults, was sent to kill me. Destroying the town that my friends resided in.

"I sacrificed myself to save the mortals that felt Loki's wrath. Near death I was deemed worthy of holding Mjolnir as it returned to me and I defeated the automaton. The five of us returned to Asgard to confront my brother, who had convinced Laufey to sneak into the castle and kill our father. However, Loki betrayed his ally and killed their king as an excuse to destroy Jotunheim. To prove himself worthy. I could not allow that to happen and we fought at the Bifrost that is connected to the Nine Realms. I foiled his plans by destroying the bridge. He allowed himself to fall into the abyss and believed him dead. We all mourned, even though Loki had done so much wrong. It was then I knew I wasn't prepared to become king."

The table fell silent as the god stared at the tabletop.

"And Jane?" Anya asked. "Dr. Selvig? Darcy?"

"They were unharmed. I told Jane I would return, but when the Bifrost was destroyed, traveling to Midgard became impossible. And she moved on."

The despair could be clearly heard in his voice as the man ran a hand through his blonde hair.

"That was not your fault," Anya said.

"How is it not?"

"How did you know you would have to destroy the Bifrost to stop your brother from exterminating an entire civilization?" He thought for a moment. "If Jane really cared for you then she would have waited... but sometimes... sometimes people can't because the pain is too much. They just want to move on with it and continue to live their life..."

There was a far off look in her eyes that Thor noticed. "Speaking from experience?"

The agent gave a strained smile. "In a sense."

"Agent Fredrickson, please report to the training bay," Coulson's voice came over the system.

The young woman groaned before dragging herself out of the chair. "Duty calls."

"May I join you?" Anya was confused as to why the god wished to follow her around when he could do anything he wanted. "I know not what else to do on this flying vessel."

The Asgardian was out of his element in this ship.


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