Chapter 13

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With the mayhem in the control room handled Fury rushed through the helicarrier past other agents who were scrambling to make sure everything remained in order. That the danger had indeed left. The enemy pulled out, but at what cost he was unsure. All the man knew was that the escape of the prisoner Loki became top priority. Coulson had been the last person to report from the room, and when trying to contact his comrade, no response came. Gun raised, Fury cautiously ran inside the holding room. Once realizing the area was clear his eye landed on the gasping agent slumped against the wall with blood pooling around his chest. Fury couldn't stop to think about the fact that the container was missing or ask who fell through the chute.

"Sorry, boss," Coulson managed. "The god rabbited."

"Just stay awake," the Director ordered. Gripping the weapon laying in his comrade's lap he moved it away staring down the injured man. "Eyes on me."

"You have to... listen to me..." Coulson gasped, ignoring Fury. "He has Anya... He too... took her... In danger..."

Cursing under his breath Fury couldn't believe their misfortune. He wasn't even sure what became of the rest of the Avenger team.

"We will find her," Fury said through clenched teeth.

The agent gave a crooked smile of relief. "Tell her... I'm sorry."

"Tell her yourself." He refused to lose another agent.

"No, I'm clocking out here."

"Not an option."

"It's okay, boss," he reassured. "This was never going to work if they didn't have something... to..."

The air left his body, going still against the wall, eyes staring at nothing. It took everything in Fury's power to hold back his rage. Teaching up, the man closed the eyelids before moving away as the medical team came rushing in. There wasn't much time to mourn as the professionals made the call. Fury had a team to run, touching the earpiece and activating the device.

"Agent Coulson is down," the Director stated.

"A medical team is on its way to your location," Agent Hill was the first to answer. Yet he knew whatever remained of the Avengers on the ship were listening.

"They're here... They called it." He sighed more to himself at the silence. "Regroup to the control room."

Pinching the bridge of his nose the man pulled himself from the room. Watching as the medical team rolled away Coulson's body on a bed covered by a sheet so no one could see.

What the hell were they going to do?


Thor's vision blurred as he pushed himself up from the ground. He tried to regain his bearings barely making out what remained of the hold that once trapped him. His escape had ripped up the grassy field having broken through the glass seconds before hitting the ground. However his trajectory didn't allow him to face the sky. He went crashing further away in a secluded field as Mjolnir flew from his grasp due to the force of impact. The Asgardian found his weapon stalking towards it and reached for the handle.

He hesitated as worry filled him. Anya had been left behind and only hoped she still remained on the helicarrier. But Thor knew the mortal was no match for his brother, even with her talents. Meaning she was in danger. That he failed to protect someone he had grown to care about. Loki escaped and the whole world was in danger. A question nagged at him:

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