17 | Cantalopes

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"Do not call me—wait why do you sound all..."

"All what?"

"All groggy? Wait, were you just sleeping?"

"I did indeed take a nap. After you left I continued basking in the sun and eventually fell asleep."

"Seriously? Dais that was two hours ago."

"Really? Huh. Cool."

"You know Layla was asking about you. Actually she won't stop asking about you. She is a talker."

"Hm, sounds like someone else I know."

"Ha. Ha."

"Actually speaking of talking I just wanted to say something, and I don't want you to get all weird ok?"

"Well it depends on what your definition is and  you consider weird but alright."

"So I was thinking, I have been going to a therapist for about three years now, for different reasons, my parents being one of the main ones. Now I don't think, out of those three years, I have told her as much about myself as I have told you. Actually I'm 100% sure I have not told her as much. So I don't know how you did it and got me talking but...I don't know..."


"I just thought you should know..."


"And I should thank you..."


"So thanks."



"Awww! I'm so honored!"

"Oh no."

"And I'm so happy that you chose me, ME, to open up to!"


"Wow. Wow. Wow."


"This is another day to put down in the books!"

"Ok, no. This is being weird. This is exactly the opposite of what I told you to do."

"Actually you technically didn't tell me to do anything, you just said don't be weird and that is not my definition of weird."

"Oh lord, I would REALLY hate to see your definition of weird."

"Well I can show—"

"Oh no!"


"That stupid bird is eating my cantaloupes in my garden again!"

"Oh boy."

"Hey, Moe! Shoo! Get off my cantaloupes!"



"No, this is not up for discussion! I already gave you one last week!"


"Uh oh, he's giving you back talk. Oh wait no, back SQUAWK!"

"Shut up! That's not funny!"

"Oh yes it is!"

"Alright he's gone. Man, he really likes my cantaloupes. Oh... that came out wrong..."

"No, I think that came out just right."

"You know I meant my cantaloupes that I grow in my garden, right?"

"Mhm. Suuure."

"Whatever. The suns going down and the mosquitoes are eating me alive so I'm going to go."

"Wait! Did you actually name him Moe?"

"Yeah. Moe the crow."

"And that's not weird to you?"

"Uh... nope not at all."

"I still have so much to learn about you Daisy."

"Oh yeah, we're just getting started!"


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