14 | Pancakes

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"Hey, can I ask you something?"


"Do you know how to make pancakes?"

"Oh yea, I make them almost every Sunday. Why?"

"Well I'm making some and I put everything together but I feel like I'm missing some ingredients."

"Why don't you just look up the recipe?"

"Why would I look it up when I have you?"

"Ok, well they have baking soda, flour, milk, sugar, eggs—"

"Oh my God! I forgot sugar and eggs!"

"Alec those are like two of the most important ingredients!"

"I know! I know! Hold on — no you can't talk to Daisy — because I'm talking to Daisy you little worm."

"Who is that?"

"It's my little sister and she wants to—"


"Hi there."

"Is this Daisy?"

"Yes it is, and who is this?"

"This is Layla."

"Well hi Layla, how are you?"

"I'm good. I'm just waiting for Ali to make my pancakes — no you can't have the phone back! I am talking to her!"

"So is Ali a good cook or bad cook?"

"He's... ok... but he always forgets ingredients. And, and sometimes he can be incompopent."

"Do you mean Incompetent?"

"Uh... yeah."

 That's a big word, where did you learn that one?"

"Ali. But you saved the pancakes right? Ali said he was calling someone who knows a lot of stuff so you can help make the pancakes."

"Honestly Layla I hope I did save them. But you see with your brother I can only help so much."

"Ok, we're done."

"No I'm still talking!"

"I'll give you whipped cream if you give me the phone."

"Ah, bribery."

"Yes it's the only that works with 6 year olds."

"Well you better go finish making your pancakes. Try not to burn anything."

"I'll do my best."

"Bye Ali!"



"I'm so changing his contact name to Ali! I love this day!"

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