12 | Snapdragon

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"Well hello there party girl."


"How's it going over there?"

"Well... I'm calling you, outside, on the curb, sober and alone. So yeah, it's just great! Living the teenage dream over here!"

"Ah sarcasm. So it's not going well then. What happened?"

"Nothing specific, just me being me. And I am not a party person."


"Your sass is very much unappreciated right now."

"No, no it's just, on the phone you exude crazy girl so I just assumed you would find your other crazy people there."

"You say that like it's supposed to make me feel better."


"Shush, I called you. It's my turn to talk and vent."

"Whoa, snap-dragon. Ok, vent away."

"Well my issue is that I like talking to people and... well getting to know them. But at stupid parties people are either too drunk to hold an actual conversation or I can't get a word in because they're in their tight groups. I was told high school parties were all about socializing. I heard they were fun social gatherings!"

"Where did you hear that?"



"Well that's all I got to base anything off of. And my friend Sasha who is known to show up at a few parties, but all she cares about are the booze."

"Well that's kinda all there is to it. Unless your drunk or high they're not that fun. But I definitely don't suggest doing that. It always seems to snow ball."

"Is that what happened with you?"

"Yup. But now I am wiser because of it."

"You? Wise?"

"Hey, I was wise enough to call a random phone number I found on a napkin in a café."

"Well I would say that's kind of a stupid idea but... I actually don't mind talking to you Alec..."

"Wow. That has to be one the nicest things you, or really anyone has ever said to me."

"You're welcome old chap."

"That is a horrible British accent."

"No it is not! I actually think it is quite good."

"Have you ever met a British person?"

"No... but in a movie—"

"Oh my god, you and movies!"

"I know, I know. I like movies, sue me."

"I may take you up on that offer one of these days.

"I would like to see you try. Oh—shoot. Well I have to run because my friend, who is kinda my responsibility, is currently singing Chandelier from on top of a coffee table."


"So I'm going to have to grab her and drive her drunk ass back to my place."

"Ok, good luck?"

"Sasha, seriously get down—"


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