6 | Daisy

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"Well good morning sunshine! Wait, why do you sound weird?"

"Excuse me?"

"Oh no! I just mean... you sound out of breath."

"Yeah, I'm walking to work."

"You have a job? Wait, how old are you?"

"Yes I have a job, and 17 for your information."

"Oh, you're almost my age."

"How old did you think I was?"

"I don't know, you just sounded older than 17."

"Good to know. Look, I have a question and I need you to answer 100% honestly. Ok?"

"I'll try."

"How on earth did you get a hold of my number?"

"Well, it's a little bit of a story."

"Go on, I still have a long walk before I get to work."

"It all started when I just so happened to be stopping by this little café for a coffee..."

"Uh oh."

"I ordered a mocha and when I sat at my table I noticed there was a napkin left from the previous person. As I was admiring the drawings around the edges I noticed something interesting above the the little flower doodles."


"It was some numbers lined up in a way that looked like a phone number."


"So, as I sipped on my mocha I decided to call them up and see who it was that left the number."

"Yeah, I got that."

"So here I am, talking to you. Though I do feel kind of bad because whoever you were leaving your number for decided not to take it."

"What? No I wasn't leaving it for anyone. I just recently got a new number and I was writing it down so I could study it and remember. I guess I forgot to pick it up before I left."

"Yep! But if you had picked it up then we wouldn't be having this conversation! Or talking at all!"

"And that would be such a shame!"

"I know right!"

"I was being sarcastic... Do you know how to pick up on sarcasm?"

"I absolutely do, I just chose to ignore it."

"Please don't, I would really like you to accept my words of sarcasm for sarcasm."

"Let me think about it... no."

"You're annoying."

"See there, I know you were being sarcastic."


"Oh my god!"

"What? What was that loud crashing sound?!"

"Oh I just fell backwards in my chair. But I figured out your name!"


"All last night I was studying flowers try to figure out which one would most likely be your name, and let me tell you there are a lot of flowers out there!"

"Where are you going with this?"

"Oh! Well I kept that napkin of yours and I just identified, like a genius by the way, which flower you drew the most! Do you want to know what flower that was?"

"Not really."

"A daisy! Your name is Daisy!"



"I've arrived at work, I have to go now."


"Daisy. I like it."

The Number On The NapkinWhere stories live. Discover now