35 | Bleeding-heart

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"Alec? Alec, you were right, I'm always in the present and when I tried looking into the future it scared me. I think it scared me because I wasn't sure of the outcome. But that's ok, I'm not scared any—hello? Alec?"

"So who is Daisy?"


"You saw that huh? You knooow It's uh...It's complicated. She's no one."

"Yeah, sure. I've never heard that one before. Girlfriend?"

"No, really Maggie, Daisy and I were talking on the phone for a while but we recently realized that we wanted different things. It was neeever going to work anyways. She's too stubborn and self-centered."

"Talking over the phone? For how long?"

"Like, a little over two months I think. Honestly, I don't really know."

"Is she pretty?"

"I don't know. I've never seen her."

"That is weird. Two months but you don't even know what she looks like."

"Well, I was originally trying to prank call her but then we just...uh...started talking. And then you know..."

"Ew, did you guys have some weird phone thing?"

"What? Oh no, no, no, I was going to say that we formed a sort of relationship. But really I barely know her."

"You know there was no way you could have had any normal relationship, not with a start like that. It's too weird. Sorry, but it's the truth."

"Yeah. That's—that's true. It was kind of doomed from the start. Not that there was anything to really be doomed. "


"Honestly I don't know what I was thinking..."

"So can it be done with you guys? Because I hate a guy with strings attached. Super unattractive."

"Yes, it should have ended a long time ago anyways."

"Wow, that sucks though. Two month down the drain huh?"

"Yeah, turned out to be a waste of time really."

"Yeah. Well hey, lets go get another drink and have some actual fun tonight and not think about that Daisy chick."

"Yeah, let me just check the time then—what the? Hello? Daisy?"


"Shit. How long have you been there? Did you hear all that?"

"I did. All of it. You hit speaker phone instead of end... So I'm no one?"


"You barely know me? Well you must know me enough to be able to call me stubborn and self-centered. Right?"

"No! Listen I—"

"It was never going to work, huh? I wish you had told me that a few hours ago before I talked myself into calling you."

"No, no, no, Daisy just let me—"

"Explain? Theres nothing to explain. I got the message loud and clear Alec. You have really shown your true colors these last few days. You want an easy, materialistic, 'real' relationship, got it. Maggie sounds like the girl for you. You should go live it up with Maggie."

"Daisy stop!"

"No, you're right, it should have ended a long time ago. Sorry for wasting your time."

"Daisy no—"

"Goodbye Alec."



"Damn it, damn it, damn it."

"Hey, where are you going? Are we going to get that other drink?"

"No! Of course not! I'm leaving."

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