30 | Poppy

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"So you're alive?"

"Just barely."

"So did you get in trouble?"

"Eh, just a little. I just have to work weekends for the next few weeks. That's the nice thing about having your Aunt as your boss."

"That's not nepotism?"


"It's when relatives—"

"No, I know what it means, I'm just surprised. That's a big word for you Ali."

"Hey! I'm actually rather smart I'll have you know!"

"Really? Couldn't have guessed."

"Hardy, freaking har. You're hilarious Poppy."

"So you said you wanted to talk about something?"

"Oh yeah! Though I'm about to walk into my friend Tristan's going away party so I have to be quick so shut up."


"So I figured out our thing!"

"Our thing?"

"Yeah! Why we work so well together! Our whole story makes total sense now!"


"Just hear me out."

"Ok. I'm listening."

"Here is how it works, you're really good at staying in the present, which is a very very hard thing for most people, but it's not always a good thing for you."

"Why not?"

"Because then what is your motivation if you aren't thinking about the possibilities ahead in the future? Or where does your empowerment come from if not the hard times in the past?"


"Yeah thanks, I spent a lot of time thinking about that."

"You? Thinking?"

"Shush. And for me, I am one of those people that have a hard time staying in the present because like you said, I am always looking for that one big moment AND I'm always blaming everything on my past because I just can't seem to let go of it."

"Also whoa."

"So that's what this is. We are... life partners... no...life buddies...? Fire and ice! I don't know I'll figure it out, but you get my point!"

"I do. That all made a scary amount of sense..."


"Wow, you're so wise and insightful, I'm going to come to you for advice from now on."

"I've never been called wise or insightful... I don't like it, it's too much pressure."

"Well you're going to have to endure that pressure because you just opened a whole can of worms."

"Briskly moving on, I would also like to say, due to the events that transpired yesterday, I have officially completed my mission so your welcome."

"So either I just say, 'yeah thanks', and hopefully you'll stop talking so we can end this conversation, or I ask you what the heck you're talking about since I have no clue, as per usual, and wait for your long explanation."

"Well, since you asked, let me explain. When you were explaining your steps I told you that I would loosen you up, since you needed it, and now you can considered yourself loosened! Congratulations!"

"Wow, do I get something from this? Like a prize?"

"If anyone should be getting a prize it should be me! I'm the one that did it!"

"Oh my goodness! You're right! You earn my affection and a hug!"

"Oh, I will take you up on that offer missy! We need to meet asap so I can collect my prize!"

"Sir yes sir!"

"Seriously? Because if you tell me where you work we can—"

"Oh, no I wasn't serious. I—I don't think that would be the best idea. Like just...you know..."

"Hey Alec! Why are you standing in my driveway man? Come on!"

"I'm coming! I'll just be a sec! Yeah. Right. Gotcha. It's fine, I'll just get a hug from Tristan."

"You do that."

"Ok Poppy, see—I mean talk to you later. I have to go...party..."

"Talk to you later."



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