Chapter 15

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We meet back up with Bee, Mudflap and Skid. They transform back into their alt modes and I get into the drivers seat.

Everyone gets on and we drive down the road again. "So they gonna do it then?" I asked Simon and he nodded. "Yeah, we gotta trust them." He replied and I nodded.

"But is this gonna all work?" Leo asked and I sighed. "We find the Matrix and we bring Prime back to life." I stated simply as I tried to focus on the road.

"What if we can't find it, or if we do and it don't work?" Leo asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You don't get to question my faith, remember your free to leave if you give up on this. I'm not planing on failing my mission alright? I know what I-what we all gotta do." I snapped and clenched tightly on the steering wheel.

I closed my eyes and take a deep breath. "Ok let's go over this again?" I asked Simon and he nodded.

"When dawn alights-" we start off in sync.

"the Daggers Tip.." I stated and he nodded. "Three Kings.." He added on "will reveal the door way." I stated finishing him off.

"That's what he said." Sam retorted "you know what that means?" Leo asked and I huffed. "Does it look like k know?" I snapped and looked at the review mirror shoot him a small glare before looking back at the road.

I leaned back in the seat and let out small sigh. "Let's just hope this is all right..we gotta bring I'm back.." I stated as I felt tears form in my eyes.

Mikaela leaned over and patted my shoulder. "Everything will work out fine, don't worry."

I gave her a small smile and then focused back on the road.

That's when my heart dropped. "Shit, check point.."

"Lisa I don't have my passport." Sam hissed as my eyes flickered to the men with guns.


"Passport!" Snapped the man in the white stand as he snapped at us in another language.

My heart skipped a beat. "Ah..shit..were toast.."

Leo peered through the seat. "Guys they got camera's.." I hissed and looked away. "It's ok, just breathe Lisa.." Sam stated as he was trying to reassure me.

"Alright, chill..I can handle this, these are my people." Simon murmured as Wheelie leaned between Simon and I.

"Great a freakin little munchkin, short people are mean..tell him he's tall." I snorted out a laugh as Sam shot me a glare which made me snicker a little more.

Wheelie went back to hiding as the little dude walked over. He dragged his finger over the side of Bee making me shoot daggers at him.

How dare he touch my damn car?!

He walked over to the passenger side as he pointed at Simon.

"Kay musk?"

"Astofania, de Daggers Tip, right? Egypt, Jordan. We want to go there, me and my family." He waved me to lean over.

"This is my daughter, my two sons and my other daughter." I smiled and waved at him.

Oh god he's so short!

I bit down hard on my lower lip to keep myself from laughing.

"We're tourist, from New York."

"New York?!" The man shouted excitedly.

Yes." Simon repeated with a smile. As the short man demanded in his own language to open the gate.

"Thank you!" Simon replied and waved. The short man waved good bye and we were on the road again.

I bawled out laughing again and Sam rolled his eyes. "My god, Lisa have you never seem a short guy?"

I wiped a stray tear. "Ah, no..and no I don't count myself." I giggle as he tried to focus on the road. "At least we made it through." Mikaela stated with faint sigh.

I nodded and chuckled. "At least we won't go to jail, right Leo?"

He let out a nervous laugh making me snort.

🏜*Time Skip*🏜

We finally make it to the Pyramids. Bee, Mudflap and Skid transformed as we went up the steep hill.

Once we reach the top Sam and Mikaela run to the building that was built not too far from the giant Pyramid behind it.

Bee placed me down from his shoulder since I couldn't walk very well still. "Thanks Bee." He whirred as I walked next to Simon.

Skid got up as she did a 360 spin. "Ok yo, you gotta blend in with your surroundings. You know you gotta be part of the landscape." As she was rambling Bee stormed past him hitting him across the head causing him to fall.

I giggled as I looked around. "It's beautiful.." I whispered softly as I smile tugged at my lips.

"Awesome..I think the aliens built that." I raised a brow and looked at the Pyramid that Simon was looking at.

" probably was.."

We all get into the building as Wheelie hopped in. "Low profile guys ok?" I demanded at the Autobots shooting Bee a small glare to control the idiotic twins.

"Yeah some of us got work to do! Stupid Autobots." Wheelie demanded and closed the door. "Hey be nice you little dick head." I snapped at the small Deceptacon making him whine.

I rolled my eyes and roamed around. Let's just hope, that everything we worked so hard for doesn't go to waste..

*Written on: Saturday April 14 2018*

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