Prologue 3

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Girl in photo:

12 year old Zadia.

Other mentionable characters:



"Mother!" I shout, a flailing piece of paper in my raised hand.

"Yes?" She sweetly says.

"Letter to you! I think it might be the letter back from that online dating guy you wrote to...."

"Nosy. And so it is! Pretty late in the day too, its about 7:00. Anyway, its time you got ready for bed."



"I give in!"

I walk upstairs, groaning funnily. I get dressed into my onesie that says ' Telekinetic Cupcakes ' on it. I come downstairs and-

"Go back up and sleep." Mother says, laughing with red rings strangely around her eyes.

I do as she says, and sleep until day.

In the morning, I go to wake up mother as I usually would. I came into her room and screamed. She was layed down on her bed, sheets untucked. Her eyes were closed, but the rims were bloody. Her chest was impaled straight on, and her legs were cut off. Her hair is stained red with her own blood. I open her eyelids and no eyes were there. The note was it her hand. I took it out, and it was as cold as Jannet.

'Dana, I apologise but you have hurt me. I have consulted the police for insulting me with your letter so terribly they told me I should speak to you in person. I can't. Plus, I'm 15. You're about 38. I'm so sorry, but you're dead tonight.'

On the bottom, it said 'turn over.'

'Stay happy for me, Zadia.'

I started crying next to her. I cryed into her empty eye socket, rimmed with scabs.

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