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"I know you have all heard the rumors about Meg which are not true...Meg isn't dead. But she's not alive. She's somewhere in between...she's in a coma..."

Every single person in the arena went quite.

"I know that it's hard to understand but it's true and she's a fighter so I know see will survive this! So I just want to sing our favorite song we had together. Written by a true friend of ours, Mr Edward Sheeran "

I started to sing 'Autumn Leaves' and the band joined. After a bit the whole arena was singing.

"Thank you everybody, this makes me feel so much happier and stronger" I smiled before i carried on singing the song with tears in my eyes.

"Stay strong Nialler!" I heard someone shout. "We're hear you, everyone in the arena. We love you!!"

Continuing with the concert we had one more song left. "You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you and you'll never treat yourself right darling but I want you-" Half way through my solo I was cut off by someone screaming.

"Niall, you can't even sing!" I just ignored the person till they screamed again. "I hope Meg doesn't survive! She's ugly as hell and you deserve better than her!" I stopped singing and so did the boys.

"No one says stuff about Meg! I love her and she's as perfect a human being can be! You discus me, leave this concert and never come back." I said before storming of stage.

The lads and I where backstage talking and after ten minutes I could see that some fans were still gathering in the arena. My microphone was lying next to where I sat and I realized that the couple hundred fans left really cared. I took the microphone next to me and walk on stage.

"Niall where are you going?" Harry asked me.

"I have to do something, I'll be back soon." Then I walked out onto the middle of the stage and the fans that were still there started scream.

"Hey everyone. I just wanted to say that I'm not mad at you. I was just so angry at that girl who said that about Meg. I mean if you're a fan you would be happy Right? You guys mean the world to me and I really can't do this alone. So I want you to do this with me." I said.

I felt like the fans were with me because they started to cheer my name.

"Thank you everyone!" I said and walk back off stage.

Paul took the lads and I out to the van. I ignored the paps and pushed through the rest of them, standing close to Paul.

"Niall is it true?"

"Is Meg dead?"

"Is it true that Meg's having an affair with Louis?" Another pap shouted, causing Louis to tense.

"Don't listen to them mate, don't let them get to you. That's just what they want." Louis whispered to me. I sighed and nodded, he's right.

Once we were all inside the back of the car, Paul quickly sped out of the car park and headed to Meg and I's home. I leant my head against the cool glass window while small droplets of rain slowly began to run down it, while thoughts of Meg were rummaging through my mind.

"So how was she?" Paul asked, breaking the silence.

"She hasn't woken up yet." I replied. No one said anything.

"You were really brave out there." Paul said to me, breaking the silence again as reverse the looked through the mirror.

I didn't answer, I just looked out the window.

About ten minutes later we arrived at my house. I stepped out of the car, and no one said anything.

"Niall, don't go doing anything stupid now okay? The world tour starts tomorrow so I'm coming with the tour bus at nine tomorrow morning." He said to me.

"Okay, see you at 9 then." I said, and that was it they drove away.

Once they were out of sight I walked up to the house. Taking the house key I unlocked the door and walked inside. Picking up the coffee cup pieces and the food I threw earlier I placed them in the bin. As I turned away from the bin I noticed the familiar piece of paper that had the neat handwriting of Meg's written on it from the other day. I turned the letter over and wrote.

"Hi Meg, I'm going on a world tour tomorrow. I don't know if I can do this without you but I'm going to try. I got your phone from the hospital and I will pay your phone bill because, your voice on your voicemail is the only thing that makes me happy right now...please text or call me when you get home, I just want you here With me..."

I stopped writing for a while and just sat there with my tears falling onto the letter.

"If I don't hear from you... Then I guess you don't want to talk to me or that you... Passed away. But, I know that you're a fighter so you won't. I love you Meg...With my heart, you're the only girl in my world!

Niall. X"

I put the letter on the kitchen table and put her phone beside it. I went upstairs and started to pack my bag for the tour. When I had finished packing my bag I found a picture of Meg and I and placed it in my bag.

The clock read eleven thirty, so I decided to get some sleep and set my alarm for tomorrow morning.

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