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The paramedics carry her on stretcher into the ambulance and drove as fast as they can to the hospital. I'm in shock. I can't miss Meg she means everything to me. The woman who will have my children and hopefully be my wife in the upcoming years, I can't live without her. If she let me explain that the management forced me to have a fake girlfriend because she didn't want to be near the paparazzi, everything would be better than it is now. I should have told her when I found out myself instead of her finding out and me hurting her. It's all my fault.

"For fuck's sake." I yelled, kicking a plant pot over.

I hurried to my car and drove as fast as I could. Driving straight through the traffic lights and not having the patients to stop because my girlfriend or ex-girlfriend I'm not sure, needs me! Finally I reached the Hospital and surely not having luck on my side, there were no parking spaces.

"SHIT!" I curse, slamming my hands down on the steering wheel.

I park my car right next to the hospital doors, not giving a shit that I'm not allowed but I don't care right now! I ran through the doors and go straight to the desk.

There is a girl sitting there, her name badge saying her names Olivia.

"I'm searching for Meg, where is she? "I ask her very worried, running my fingers through my blond hair.

"Hmm let me see where she is..." she replied, looking through a book full of names.

"Hurry..."I whispered time after time.

"Oh, here she is, but for your own good you shouldn't visit her yet. The doctors are trying their best.... you know to wake her up if you know what I mean." she said, a sad smile plastered on her face.

"I have to see her now!!!" I screamed and all the doctors and people in the corridor looked at me.

"I see that you're her boyfriend right?" I nodded. "Well I'm sorry Mr. Horan but you have to stay here. The doctors..."

"You don't seem to understand this Olivia! It's my fault that Meg's is in here and I want to see her now!!! And if you don't say which room she's in I'll open every single door till I find my girlfriend. Do you understand?" I whispered with slight anger in my sad voice to Olivia so she could hear.

"Okay Mr. Horan calm down she's in room 246."

I thanked her and ran till I saw room. There are two doctors outside wearing long white coats.

"Excuse me!" I cut them off in their talking and tried to walk into the room. With one of the doctors stopping me in my tracks.

"I'm sorry but you can't go in there sir."

"I have to my girlfriend is in there! I have to see her!!"

I said, taking myself out of his grip and walked in the room. As I walk in room, everything's silent, apart from the sound of beeping monitors everywhere.

Finding a chair and sitting next to Meg I held her hand in mine and stated at her.

Beeping monitors started to get louder and I don't understand what's going on till I see doctors rushing into the room with these electric things in their hands.

Is she dying...?

I'm still sitting on the chair till the doctor breaks me from my thoughts.

"I'm sorry Mr. Horan but you have to leave this room, now!"

I'm in shock walking out of the room and taking one last look at Meg before the door is closed behind me. I can't take in that my girlfriend has a risk of dying and there's nothing that I can do about it. I felt a warm liquid travel down my cheeks. One by one they fall onto the ground. I leant against the wall falling down to the ground, taking my knees near my chest and I started to cry.

Feeling like I have been on the floor now for hours. The clock only said 1 pm so it has almost been three hours since the accident, but feels like fifty. My foot has fallen asleep but I stand up anyway.

"Are you Niall Horan? Meg's boyfriend?" He asks.

I'm so nervous I couldn't trust my voice so I just nodded my head.

"I have good and bad news about Meg." He told me seriously.

He looks straight into my eyes and it kind of hurts. Is he saying that Meg isn't dead?

"Do you want to come in?" he asked earning a yet another nod from me and held the door to Meg's room open.

I walked very slowly into the room. She's lying there...her chest slowly rising and falling.

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