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It's been two years now and Niall and I are still happily together. Niall and the lads are still in One Direction and Niall and I are living an amazing live together in London.

Sadly Niall is now on a world tour and I'm home alone. I'm sitting on the sofa with my laptop on my lap when I hear my phone buzz, I have a text from Alice (best friend, also going out with Harry Styles). The text says:

"Hi Meg! We haven't met up with each other since a long time and I thought if you wanted we could go shopping and out for coffee today? It would be fun. :) X"

Seconds late I reapplied. "Yeah, sure! I'll come to yours in ten minutes XX."

After a day of shopping with Alice we decide to have a coffee in Starbucks. We order the usual, pay then took a seat next to the window.

"So How is it with Niall?" Alice asked me.

"Fine, he's actually on a world tour at the moment, which you already know about." I laughed, reminding myself she's with Harry. "So I'm......."

"You're what? Hello? Meg?! What is it?!"

Out the window I saw him. I saw Niall, standing there and kissing a girl with horrible yellow hair. Alice catches on to what I see and starts to come to my side with a shocked expression on her features. But before she could reach me I was running out the exit of the shop, looking to see if it was actually Niall cheating on me with another girl while he's supposed to be on tour or, someone who looked a lot like him. But things never go the way you them to.

"MEG" Alice shouts at me from the door of Starbucks.

Suddenly Niall turns his head. His eyes landing on me standing there a distance away from him. I started to run. Away from him and towards home. I heard him running after me, shouting my name.

I know he's faster than me so I yelled. "It's Niall from One direction!!" In hope that some fans will spot him for a while and ask for autographs and picture. I succeed, feeling happy but guilty mixed together.

I ran home crying and I took out a key to a Friend's house that's far away from London that I promised to look after her house while she was away from holiday. I wrote a not to Niall:

"Niall it's over. I can't do this anymore. I thought I could trust you, that you weren't like everyone else...but I was wrong. I'm going to live in my friend's house for a while and I will get my things tomorrow. Don't call me because I won't answer. Love meg."

I started to run to my friend's house so Niall didn't see me. When I got outside the house my phone started to buzz. It's Niall I didn't answer it. I started to walk along the path and He keeps ringing me.

After a while he stops and starts to send me texts. I thought that Niall didn't want me anymore. So I took a big black pen out of my bag and wrote.

"I love Niall Horan" on my arm.

Niall calls me again and I decide to answer.

"I can't do this anymore Niall. I'll escape from this and you'll never see me again so you can be with that girl." I said, my tears running down my face.

"Meg, say where you are and I can explain everything!"

"No...Don't even bother!" I said, hanging up.

I keep walking and heard someone shout my name. I know who that someone is... its Niall. Shit he's spotted me.


Picking up speed I started to run faster along the path and out onto the road. At the same time I go from heartbroken girl friend to a scared and not thinking one as a car horn goes off in front of me. I can't see so well with tears fill my eyes to the brim as I hear Niall shout again.



I woke up with a Sharpe pain in my arm and could see Niall's sat next to me crying and rocking in his arms humming one of my favorite Ed Sheeran songs 'Autumn Leaves'.

I start to hum along with him and he saw that I'm awake and says.

"I'm so sorry Meg! I didn't know what I was doing and..."

"Niall, look at my left arm." I interrupted and he saw what I had wrote.

"I love you too Meg and I always will, you're the only one I love. I don't know why I kissed that girl! This is my fault... what have I done? This is all my fault." He said, tears falling faster.

"Don't leave me Meg! Please don't leave me. I can't live without you. My life was was dull before I met you in that park on the bench." He said, his chest rising and falling.

"Yes you can Niall. You are going to have a life with the boys and one day you'll have a wife with great children and you'll grow old together." I smiled at him. Of course that's what I want. I love him with all my heart and want to spend the rest of my life with him, though I'm not sure if I can trust him but deep down I know he would never mean to hurt me.

"But I want to have that with you, no one else." He cried, still humming the song.

'Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you? Float down like autumn leaves, hush know, close your eyes before the sleep. And if you're miles away, and yesterday you were here with me...'

"You can do this Meg, you'll survive this!!"

"Ni, just promise me!"

"I'll promise if you promise that you'll survive this." He said with a big tear streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry Niall... I can't promise that." I said with my body in pain.

"Meg, yes you can! The ambulance is coming soon and I won't leave your side I promise. I know you'll be fine I promise. As long as I live I'll never, ever forget you!" he said and laid down beside me hugging me.

"Stop promising." I say in a whisper, my eyes feeling happy.

"No. Meg stay with me."

Everything stated to feel like nothing had happened twenty minutes ago and was back to normal with Niall and I again, as the weak sound of the ambulance arriving in the background...

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