Chapter 11

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~Narrator's POV~

Why did the skeleton have one red eye and glowing red streaks?

It was exactly what had been happening to you. Was this just a coincidence? What was the secret office used for? These are questions you've been thinking of possible answers to.

You'd have to have Wendy take you back to that place somehow without her knowing why. You needed to get your hand on some of those files and information there.

"(Y/N), are you even listening?" Stan asked, annoyed to be repeating this question for the third time.

"Yep," you put emphasis on the 'p,' creating a 'pop' sound.

He rolls his eyes, knowing exactly how much you were stuck in your own little dream world. "Alright, let's talk business. Soos, you can dj, Wendy and Dipper can work the ticket stand, (Y/N) can--"

"Do nothing," you cut off Stan's announcement. "Ahh, you're so kind," you speed-walk to your bedroom before Stan can say anything.

The first thing you do when entering your shared bedroom is flop on your bed and burrito yourself with blankets.  While everyone else worked and partied, you would cuddle with your body pillow and binge watch anime. What a perfect ending to this day.

The silence in this room was wonderful.

The door slams open, Dipper coming in and immediately going for the closet. He does a little swagger walk, putting on a bow tie and spraying deodorant on.

Mabel comes in about thirty seconds after him, teasing him on his plans to get closer to Wendy.

And, the silence was gone. You knew it wouldn't last.

Dipper puts his list on display for the both of you. He's proud of it. It's something he feels will help him achieve a romantic relationship with Wendy.

"You know that's not going to get you anywhere, right?" You chuckle, knowing how stupid his plan was. He thinks he can win Wendy over by following an over-complicated list of questions to ask and things to do.

"Oh, it's so going to work."


"Ughh, I cannot listen with all this racket!" You shout in annoyance. The music was too loud and there was a 'thud' every second because of all the dancing.

You turn your anime off and decide to take a walk since there was clearly nothing else for you to do. You open the door and your eyes widen to the size of a watermelon.

Five Dippers come strolling through when you open the door.

"Dipper...I mean Dippers?" You ferociously rub your eyes, making sure this wasn't a dream. If it was it would be a terrible one.

You don't remember Dipper having several identical twins.

"Yes, (Y/N)?" All the Dippers ask at the same time, looking your way.

"Never mind," you walk right past them and see more Dippers, but in the hall. They're all fighting, twisting each other's arm, and punching. "What in the world is going on?!"

"(Y/N), activate the fire alarm!" Dipper shouts to you.

"I don't know whether you're the real Dipper or not, but okay!" You activate the fire alarm using smoke from the party popper. Water sprays everywhere, melting the other Dippers and dowsing you with water. "Well that was fun, wasn't it?" You sarcastically state, trying to shake the water from your hair and giving the real Dipper a glance which demanded for an explanation. 

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