Chapter 7

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~Narrator's POV~

"I've successfully bedazzled my face," Mabel shouts proudly and also in pain. 

"Is that permanent?" Dipper questions, worried about his sister's state of well-being. 

"You better hope not," you comment, sitting in the chair opposite to Dipper. Sometimes, yout didn't understand Mabel and her life choices, but it was better to just leave it alone and not question her. 

The doorbell rings and before you get up to open it, Mabel runs past you, beating you to the door while shaking off the bedazzled gems off her face. "Oh, it's wittle old you!"

"Mabel, who's that?" you get up and stand by the door to take a peak at the mystery visitor. The visitor was small, much shorter than your sister, but his hair made up for it. His poofy, white hair added a few inches to his height (his hair was probably taller than him) and he wore a light blue suit.

"I am Gideon Gleeful and am here for you," Gideon points to Mabel. "I couldn't get you out of my head and had to go visit you again after our first meeting yesterday. How about we get away from here and go to my dressing room?"

"Yes!" Mabel agrees and leaves with Gideon in a hurry.

"Wait... Dressing room?!" you say a little too late, finally comprehending Gideon's words. This was futile, Mabel already left.

"Calm yourself, (Y/N)," Dipper uses your own words against you. "He's like ten years old."


"You want shome?" you ask Dipper, stuffing your mouth with chips and then offering the bag to him while walking down the stairs.

"No and didn't you say you were going on a diet-" he stops midsentence after hearing pacing and mumbles from the living room. "Mabel, are you okay?"

"No, I was in the friend zone and was then pulled into the romance zone," Mabel panics. 

"What if I break up with him for you?"

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Dipper confidently walks out the door, preparing himself to break off the one-sided relationship. 

"Mabel, this isn't a good idea. You have to learn to face battles on your own. Isn't this going to just make it worse?" You try to give her some advice without sounding too harsh. It was hard to though. You didn't want her to take the easy way out throughout all of her life and you didn't want her to be too dependent on others. 

"I honestly don't know," Mabel weakly answers. 


"Oh my god! Mabel!" You slam open the bedroom door, running down the stairs, and looking for Mabel. "I just googled what chickens look like without feathers and I am severely uncomfortable!"

Mabel's outside sitting on the porch, chewing her hair. She looks nervous, probably about allowing Dipper to break up with Gideon for her.

You walk over and sit right beside her. "Listen, do whatever feels right. I may not be the best person to talk to for advice or relationship issues, but I definitely know that sometimes, things don't work out. However, that doesn't mean you hide away from the problem, you have to confront it head on!"

Mabel just sighs in response and chews the same brown strand of hair. Where in the world did she get this habit from? She didn't have it before.

You thought you were doing pretty good with your words at first and couldn't believe you  said these words. Well, you thought this until Mabel kept the same face and gave you a sigh as a response. Yep, very self-assuring. 

Before you could also wallow in your self-pity alongside Mabel, Wendy came and sat by you. "Does that hair taste good?" She questions rhetorically.

"I need advice," Mabel reveals, ignoring you and your facial expressions. "Boy advice..." This causes Wendy tp list all the guys she's ever gone out with and Mabel continues talking about her problems.

"Yes, I know what I'm going to do! I have to face my issues head on! Thanks, Wendy!" Mabel leaves to 'face her issues head on.'

"But...But...What?! Wait, where's my credit?!" You watch Mabel leave, in shock that Wendy listing the guys she went out with helped Mabel find her solution. Maybe, you should just do this next time. Dipper would be the perfect guinea pig for this.

"Somehow you don't even have to open your mouth to make my head hurt," Wendy comments, watching your every move.

You blankly stare at her. How do you reply to a statement like that? You did not expect her to say this nor were you prepared to reply to this.

"Feel free to admire me. Even though you give off the impression that you want to murder everyone you look at, I know for sure that you won't. You're too kind even if you try to hide it sometimes," Wendy states. She talks like she's known you for years, but in reality, she's only known you for a few weeks. She continues to talk once seeing your clenched jaw and lowered eyebrows. "What I meant before is that your face gives away how you're feeling most of the time and my head's hurting just watching you explode and wallow in frustration." Wendy places her hand on your shoulder. You know this is supposed to be a kind and comforting action; you don't like it nor necessarily dislike it. But, you decide to not shake it off.

"Oh," You blurt out.  Once again, you didn't know how to react or feel. It was Wendy who always did the unexpected and left you speechless. Putting up your façade came up in your head, but you didn't have it in you to put up any mask. It was only for one day and it was only one person who pushed it away so far. This wouldn't change anything, right? One person definitely wouldn't even be able to significantly change you, especially Wendy. You almost laughed out loud at this. 

It was only for one day. Today was just one day you would allow your emotions to roam freely. Also, the day was almost over anyway. 

"I need to go de-stress," you say with a straight face, getting up from your crouched position on the porch. 

"Where are you going?" She asks, curious. 

"To demolish the living room and maybe... play some video games. Join me?"

Wendy was nonplussed by your question and playful tone; it was noticeable by her facial expressions: wide eyes and straightened posture. It was only for a few seconds. Being observant came in handy. She quickly put on a smirk and followed you into the house, not noticing you fidget with your silver bracelet. 

Very long chapter. I'm tired and I have to practice for my IB English oral on Wednesday (20 whole minutes of me talking). There may be an update tomorrow and if there is, it may not be as long. Sorry, bout that but it's becoming harder to update with school in the way too. Wish me luck! Anyway, Wendy is definitely appearing more in the story. I'm trying to give her more moments because it is a Wendy x reader story so most of the moments won't be based on the series and its episodes. I'm getting really excited though to write more cute Wendy and reader moments. Next chapter will be about the reader, Dipper, and Mabel hanging out with Wendy and her friends. Please comment ( I love feedback) on mistakes, how the story is so far, etc.

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