Chapter 9

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~Narrator's POV~

Wendy's right behind you with her hand still placed on your shoulder. It doesn't seem like she has any intention of taking if off.

You know that you should shrug her off to keep yourself from getting too close to her, but for some reason you don't. Instead, you look forward, keeping your eyes on your siblings and staying silent.

You feel eyes digging into your back; it's Wendy. She's waiting for you to say something. Feeling obligated to speak, you break the silence with a quick thanks. That's probably what she's been waiting for.

"And what is this thanks for?" She looks amused and watches your facial expressions.

You're trying to give your best serious face while avoiding eye contact. "This is what you wanted to hear, isn't it? Since coming here to Gravity Falls, this is like the happiest Dipper and Mabel have been. I guess you're part of the cause of this."

Wendy takes glance to where you're looking. Of course, it's Mabel and Dipper. She smiles, finding it adorable how much you care about your siblings even though you may not express it out in the open too much.

Your actions and personality intrigued her. At first, she was surprised by your double personality but by now, she's used to it.

"Stop that!" You finally look Wendy in the eye.

"Stop what?"

"Doing that weird thing with your face when you're happy. It's making me nauseous," you make gagging noises.

"You mean smiling?"

"Whatever," you reply, rolling your eyes. No ounce of shame or embarrassment being found.

"Cute..." Wendy ends the conversation with that final blow, aiming to see a blush or sign of embarrassment. To her, it was entertaining to see you fumble with words or mess up because of embarrassment. Especially since you often expressed nonchalance.

She succeeds, gaining a victory; it's the second one against you so far. She's been counting. However, this means nothing, it's just a game is what she always tells herself. Teasing was her forte and you were only her friend. Friends tease each other, right? Plus, it's not as if you guys have had this so-called friendship for long. She just met you a few weeks ago.

"Huhh?" Your cheeks are reddening. You definitely were not expecting her to say something like that.

You hurriedly get up, leaving Wendy who's trying to stifle her laughter but is utterly failing. You have no idea where to go but, honestly, any place would be better than here. Unfortunately, because you're stuck in your thoughts, you bump into Dipper and get ice-cream on your black, one-of-a-kind trench coat.

Dipper looks apologetic and is now holding only two ice-creams, the other one on your coat. "Uh, that one was actually for you. Do you need help? The bathroom is to the right. You're lucky I know all the tricks to getting out a tough stain," Dipper finally gets a clear view of you. "Wait, are you okay?" He asks, wondering the reason for your flushed, pink face.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, go keep your crush company. I know how to get rid of a stain, you showed me the other day."

It's Dipper's turn to blush; you got him with that "crush" remark.

He wastes no time to go sit with Wendy, rushing to her side in an instant.

You watch them for a minute or two and then walk to the bathroom, determined to get rid of this stain.


"But where's your heart? But where's your..." You're quietly singing a My Chemical Romance song while cleaning the sink you had recently used to remove the stain from your coat. Only cleaning the sink wouldn't do much since the store has been abandoned for years and is too dusty, but you were a clean freak. Anything that was yours or you had used had to be clean so that's exactly what you were doing: following the clean freak code.

Gravity Falls Wendy x Male! ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ