Chapter 6

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~Mabel's POV~

"Ugh, do we have to?" (Y/N) whines, being dragged by me. 

"Come on, it's going to be so much fun," I reply, bringing him to a seat by me.

Soos, Dipper, and I wanted to go see Grunkle Stan's archenemy, Gideon, in person and his show. He was pretty popular now, so why not? I couldn't persuade (Y/N) to come, so I ahd to drag him here. 

"Shhh, the show's starting!" I whisper-yell to the others, bouncing in my seat from excitement and accidentally dropping popcorn all over (Y/N)'s lap. He gives me a look and I return a sheepish smile as apology. 

"I'll be right back," (Y/N) states, walking through the rows of chairs and people to the exit. 

~Narrator's POV~

Walking out the exit, you hear the show and somebody start to sing. If it weren't for Mabel spilling popcorn on you, you would've had to continue watching the show. You decided that you would clean yourself off first and then explore around until the show was done. 

You're walking to the men's bathroom when somebody slams right into you, making you fall. 

"I'm so sorry," the figure apologizes, still sitting on top of you. 

You open your eyes to see a cute girl with shoulder-length dyed blue hair put up into a high ponytail and almond shaped hazel eyes. She's wearing a denim jacket, dark jeans, and had patterned socks with some red tattered converse. Now, that's a unique style. 

"Can you get off?" You ask, annoyed, not sure why she was still on top of you. 

"My mistake," her voice changes seductive. She's trying too hard to flirt. This would've worked on any other hormonal individual but you were too observant to fall for it. "My name's Amber," she gets up, looking you up and down, and lends you a hand.

You furrow your eyebrows, getting yourself, and staying silent. This annoys Amber, causing her to roll her eyes.

"I'm trying to flirt with you! This is a lot harder than it looks and I don't think you realize that," she declares.

You don't know how to react to this so you're about to stay silent and just walk away until somebody grabs your arm, looping it in yours. You pause and turn to the person. Wendy.

"Excuse me, this is my boyfriend. He was just trying to be polite," Wendy tells Amber, making her flush out of embarrassment. Amber hurriedly walks away, not looking up at anybody.

"Thanks for that," you fidget with your silver bracelet. This bracelet was your most important possession, surprisingly more important than your Park Jimin body pillow. The bracelet was given to you by your father, the one you want to make proud. You've only met him a couple of times because of how busy he is and his relationship with your mother; they're on bad terms, especially since she is remarried. The man who she's currently married to is Dipper and Mabel's father, making them your half siblings. Your mother and step father adore them, but ignore you because of you having mostly your father's genes.

"Dude, that's the first time you said something genuine and nice to me. I feel appreciated," Wendy celebrates, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Aww, your nervousness is adorable," she coos, watching you fidget with the bracelet.

You're taken aback by her statement, surprised that you let go of your façade a little bit. You have to keep this mask up longer.

"You-you are-" you stutter out, trying to find out the right word for her behavior.

"Let's see...Beautiiful, a genius, immensely talented-"

"Wrong," you look at her one last time before walking back to the room where the show was held. You smack your head, embarrassed that you came up with 'wrong' as a comeback. Great.

When you arrive, everybody applauds and starts to exit. The show was over, but it wasn't like you were mad over this. You see Soos, Mabel, and Dipper and jog over to them.

"Where were you? You missed the whole show," Mabel complains to you.

"Well, I got trampled by a cute girl and Wendy came to be my fake girlfriend, you reply nonchalantly, shrugging your shoulders.

"Wendy?!" Dipper freaks out, fixing his hair and clothes. "She's here?!"

"Wow, is that all you heard? Calm yourself, she left," you say, making him sigh in both sadness and relief. "Let's hurry and leave before Stan realizes where we've gone. If he notices, you're taking the blame," you point to Mabel, following Soos' lead to the car.

Hello, you readers now know more of the background so far, how the reader's parents are around him. Yep, it's sad, but you'll learn more of the story soon. Sadly, my vacation's coming to an end and tomorrow I go back to school. This means I may not update as much as I'll like to; I'll try my best to though. Please comment ( I love feedback) on mistakes, how the story is so far, etc.

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I love you if you read this far <3


Gravity Falls Wendy x Male! ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora