Chapter 21

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~Narrator's POV~

Before leaving the tunnel, you drop Wendy's hand. You'd both keep this relationship low-key for a while. 

You nod your head towards Dipper, signaling to Wendy that she desperately needed to talk to him to clear this awkward atmosphere between them. You walk to the tree that has been supporting Wendy's red bicycle, and you sit on it, waiting for her to finish her discussion. 

"Look, Wendy, about earlier..." Dipper scratches his upper arm. He sits on a log. "In the heat of the moment, I may have said some dumb things and can we just pretend none of that really happened?"

"Dude, dude, it's okay." Wendy sits next to him and puts her hand on his shoulder. "I always kinda knew."

"Wait, you did?!"

"Yeah, man. I mean, you think I can't hear that stuff you're always constantly whispering beneath your breath?" She chuckles. "Listen, I'm like super flattered, but I'm too old for you. I mean, you know that, right? 

'Plus, I really like your older brother.'  That's something she chose to keep to herself.

"Mabel said I'd feel a lot better after confessing, but now I feel anxious, scared, kinda itchy..."

"Dude," she laughs. "Don't be itchy, man. Let me tell you something. This summer was super boring until you showed up. If you ever stopped being my friend, I would like throw myself into the bottomless pit."

"So... things won't be too awkward now?" Dipper asks. 

"I just wrestled myself, dude. I think that was awkward. If you can handle that monster, you can handle a little awkwardness."


"Friends," Wendy says, trying to give him a playful hit, but accidentally shoving him off the log. She corrects her mistake by helping him up, and she runs over to where you're sitting. "Oh and hey, Dipper, see you for movie night tomorrow. Your place this time, okay?" She doesn't wait for him to answer; just places herself on the back of the bike, letting you drive. 

Before you drive away, you wink at Dipper and throw him the keys to the golf cart. That would come in handy. It wasn't parked too far away from here, so he might as well use that to get to the  Mystery Shack quicker with the others while you dropped Wendy off at her house. 

Complete silence. Both of you hadn't said a word by the time you guys arrived at Wendy's house. It wasn't a bad type of silence though. It was a good one. 

You smile at Wendy and get off the bike. "M'lady," you take a bow and offer her your hand.

She grabs your hand and says, "You know you're stupid, right?"

"And you still decided to grab my hand, right?" 

She rolls her eyes and brings you inside her house, all the way up to her room. There, you throw yourself on the bed, making yourself comfortable, and turn on the tv. "What kinda movie you feeling today?"

"No romance, please," Wendy begs. She sits next to you, leaving no room in between and practically squishing you, but it's not like you minded. 

"Gotcha," you state. "Horror it is." 

Judging from Wendy's facial expressions, the movie seemed pretty good. She was completely engrossed in the movie, but would occasionally nudge her foot into yours to let you know she wasn't giving her full attention to the movie. You had also managed to slip your arm behind her shoulders, allowing her to rest her head against yours. 

You couldn't focus on the movie. And, surprisingly, Wendy wasn't enough to fully distract you. This Mila situation was still in this head of yours. I mean, it's not unreasonable to be worrying about having a baby at the age of seventeen. What's going to happen? How's Wendy going to react?! 

Great. Perfect timing. You just got into a relationship with Wendy and haven't even told her about pregnant Mila. This was not going to be good. Wendy hates Mila. Who knows what would happen when she finds out? Would she get mad that you didn't tell her sooner, maybe before she got into this relationship with you? It wasn't like you kept this secret for a long time though - you only found out a few days ago. And, it wasn't like you were trying to hide it from her. You were going to tell her but these days, especially earlier today, haven't been the best time to reveal this news. 

"Ow!" You turn to the reason for your pain. 

Wendy looks at you, not guiltily at all. She had pinched you. "Are you okay?"

"No, you pinched me!" You whine out in disbelief. "How would you like it if I pinched you?!"

"Would love it. Go for it. I love a little pain every once in a while," she teases, giving you a full on smirk, not even ashamed. "I bet that didn't even hurt though. I gave you like the tiniest pinch possible, dude. It's not my fault you're not listening to me."

"I'm pregnant!" You blurt out. 

"What?" Wendy looks bemused, then covers her mouth to hide the upturn of her lips. 

"Wait... I mean, I'm not the one who's pregnant. That's not even possible. I'm a guy. Unless in the future, new technology is created to change this. You never know. But, I can assure you I'm not pregnant. I am one hundred percent sure I am man-"

"(Y/N), stop rambling and shut up for a minute. Mila's pregnant, I know already."

"Wha-- How?" You cover your face with your hands, finally realizing all of the random things you said. 

"You don't think she told me the first day she arrived? She's extremely jealous and definitely does not want me to end up with you. Too late for that anyway. She thought this baby news would change my mind about you."

You were in shock. Apparently, Wendy knew about the baby even before you. She managed to keep it a secret for a few weeks now and wasn't even angry about it. Well, she didn't look angry.

"You're not mad?" You ask. 

"No, I mean, of course I was a little surprised at first, but at that time we were just friends. It's not like you just had sex with her yesterday. That was months ago. It's over now and I know you don't want to have anything to do with her. Well, besides this baby, right?" She asks. 

"Yes," you nod quickly. "Wow, I'm very lucky to have a girlfriend like you."

"Wait, I'm your girlfriend?" Wendy looks at you incredulously. 

"Huh?" You cringe, wanting to take back your words. 

"Kidding," she says, taking your arm. 

You sigh in relief, pushing the bangs out of your eyes. "See what I mean? I'm extremely lucky. I love having a girlfriend who can cause me death by embarrassment." You settle your arm behind her shoulders again while she throws her legs on top of yours. The movie's already over, so you pick another random horror movie to pass the time. 

However, you already know you're not going to be paying attention to the movie. This time, you're no longer distracted by the thoughts of a pregnant Mila. You're entranced by Wendy and you don't even try to hide it. You have a strong feeling though that you're not the only one not paying attention to the movie. 

"Do you seriously like pain though?" You break the comfortable silence. 

Wendy raises her eyebrows and gives a look that states 'are you kidding.' 

"Come on, that's not fair. You can't leave me hanging," you say.

"I guess that's something for you to find out," she teases and goes back to watching the movie. 

This girl was definitely a tease, and you were not one to complain.

This chapter is definitely a lot shorter than the others. Sorry about that. I was going to just make this a small part in the beginning but I kinda got carried away with the fluff. It may be very cheesy and cringe, but oh well. I just wanted to make one of those fluffy filler chapters before I go into the angst. Next chapter is angst galore. 

Please comment ( I love feedback) on mistakes, how the story is so far, etc.

I love you if you read this far <3

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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Gravity Falls Wendy x Male! ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora