Chapter 17

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~Narrator's POV~

You were exhausted, not like after running a marathon, but after constantly waking up due to Dipper's "nightmares." He keeps on waking up and thinking the whole Gideon taking over the Mystery Shack, and you having some weird ability is a dream. You had to keep glaring at him for saying that last part; nobody except him and Mabel were supposed to know. You covered it up by saying how crazy his dreams get.

You still don't know much about your ability or what it does. All you know is that it's very dangerous and has some weird side effects such as glowing veins and the changing of eye color.

Anyway, you have bigger problems to worry about: Stan wants to crash Gideon's new opening of the Mystery Shack, now known as Gideon Land. He's going to try to steal the deed back.

Soos, Mabel, and Dipper are willing to help him out while you refused. It would be a waste of time and there was no way you could help out someone who was keeping secrets about you. That's what you thought until Stan wouldn't take "no" as an answer. Now you are in charge of keeping watch at the fence. This was going to be a long day.


"Give is a bird call if you see someone," Stan tells you, running off with Mabel, Dipper, and Soos in these really bad disguises.

You probably should have told him that you didn't know how to whistle or make any other sounds imitating a bird.

"You've been avoiding me, haven't you?" Wendy leans against the fence next to you in her usual attire. She's wearing her flannel, skinny jeans, and signature hat.

You're shocked to see her here of all places, but most of all, she thinks you've been avoiding her? Yesterday, the plan was to avoid her, but that was before you made up with Dipper. He doesn't really care anymore about you both talking.

You weren't purposely avoiding her - it was pure coincidence. You haven't really had much time because of the battle with Bill and losing the Mystery Shack. You've been quite busy with your new job, trying to help earn more money since Stan couldn't without the Mystery Shack. Technically, he could find a new job, but he's too obsessed with getting it back.

Right now, you were busy debating whether you should talk to Wendy and what to tell her.

"Dude, talk to me. I'm sorry," Wendy apologizes. "I've been feeling guilty about it, but you were gonna' do it anyway. I just helped you out. Now you don't gotta' worry about Mila. Problem solved."

You look at her confused. "What are you going on about?" You question. "Wait..." you hastily take your phone out and scroll through your recent texts and missed calls. Three missed calls are from Wendy while you have one from Mila. Your most recent text to her was of you ending things with her.

"What the hell, Wendy! Why would you do something like this?!" You barely get your question out. "I was so stupid to actually trust you," you clench your fists, but unclench then after taking a deep breath. "I think you should leave before this gets even messier."

"Sorry, I didn't think—"

"Ok, I'll leave," you take another deep breath to control your anger. When it came to anger it was never good to leave it uncontrolled, especially with your ability that appears at random moments. You left since you didn't want your anger to control you and say something you would regret in the future.

You stomp away into the woods, looking behind you to see if Wendy was following you. She makes no effort to follow; she's riding away on her bike. She made the right decision to give you time to yourself.

Gravity Falls Wendy x Male! ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz