Chapter 18: A Part Of You Is In Me....

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Severus slumped back up the hill to Hogwarts, and to make matters worse, the whole field and school were being speared by painful little droplets of rain. He sighed, he had lost the trust of his only child, probably because he let her go. Severus was starting to wish he hadn't. His slumped frame trudged up the bank until he stood in a tunnel way into the courtyard, it was dry, not exactly warm, but he needed to think, darkness had now approached and thunder boomed and lightning cracked in the far sky. He started to winder why the Dark Lord had suddenly taken a big interest, in his Snaepling.

The next morning, at the malfoy Manor, the weather wasn't much different, the sky was dark and rain hammered on the window pane as Mina pulled herself from bed, to discover another note.


My dear wife,

Me, Father and Mother decided to go to Hogsmead to get you a little gift, I think The Lord is supposed to be around somewhere, but good luck finding him, just make sure he is around though, ok? We made him promise to look after you, I don;t want you hurt.

P.S Last Night was totally spellbinding

Love Draco.

Mina cringed at the last part, but she held the note close to her anyway. She quickly threw on her peach heels and white dress with the peach coloured belt and headed off around the mansion took for Voldemort, he couldn't be that hard to find, he was a serphant looking man for christs sake. Mina clopped down halfway down the stairs and saw a snake at the bottom of the steps. She stopped dead and gasped.

"AHHHHHH!" she screamed, as the snake's forked tounge poked out. Voldemort glided into view from the kitchen.

"Mina? Please, calm down, it is only Nagini." he shushed, as the snake slithered to it's masters feet.

"She only attacks on command." he soothed, as Mina placed a dainty hand to her chest, regaining her breath.

"Phew... I'm a scardy cat..." she giggled uneasily, as he smirked slyly, something wasn't right today, Mina could feel it in the air. he came up the stairs to meet right infront of her.

"Did you enjoy your wedding dear?" he asked, his tone sickening, Mina gulped.

"Yes, I really enjoyed it thanks." she said, as he nodded slightly.

"Did you...?" he hinted, as Mina cocked her head to the side, not getting it at first. "Well, did you?" he asked, as Mina flicnhed, suddenly getting it.

"OH! Erm, uh, oh... ahem..." she stuttered, nor particualrly wanting to tell.

"It's not complex Mina, did you or didn't you?" he asked, getting a little mand over something Mina thought was petty.

"Yes?" she winced, totally embarrassed.

"Good." he said quickly, as Mina cocked her head to the side once more.

"Huh? What do you mean?" she asked, as he grabbed her harshly by the wrist and dragged her down the stairs.

"What's going on!?" she cried, as he carelessly pulled her through the mansion.

"If I am quick enough, this might just work." he said out loud, confusing Mina even more. He slammed her frame into the wall as Mina whimpered on the harsh contact.

"Please, just tell me what's happening!" she cried, but he clearly had no sympthay for her. His icy touch fell upon her shoulders as he whispered into her ear.

"Tell me," he said, as Mina winced at his voice. "How would you like to carry on the blood of darkness?" he chuckled, as then it hit Mina. She knew what he was going to do. Why he'd been cosying up to her, he was using her for a baby.

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