Chapter 7: Mina's First REAL Kiss Went A Little Like This...

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When the sunlight beamed straight through the vieled silky curtains, as Mina got up cheerily, she was the happiest she'd felt in a while. What made her happier is the fact that she could smell bacon and eggs and toast and tea, the one thing Mina loved was Breakfast ready when she got up. She padded over the warm tiles and into the kitchen, pulling up a seat next to Ginny Weasley, who was suprisngly nice to her despite thier houses being at war. Mina's was forcefully piled high with pancakes and bacon slices and eggs by Molly, who forced her own childrn to eat the massives portions too.

"No wonder I'm fat," Ginny laughed, doing the usual teenage girl weight issue thing. Mina laughed to her and then took a little bit out of the delcious pancakes.

"Shut up Ginny! You're like a twig!" she gasped, laughing as the two of them got on like a house on fire. Mina had it all, a welcoming "family", great friends and most importantly, a home. But then she was hit with the painful reminder of her father. She missed him so much.... Her mind, however, was diverted when Sirius walked in, yawning. Mina immediantly ducked her head and hid behind the wall of pancakes. She couldn't blush or anything, after all, he thought she was fast asleep when he spoke those loving words to her. His crystal eyes fell upon Mina who practically had her head planted in her pancakes.

"Mina? Are you eating that or hiding in it?" Sirius joked, as Mina laughed self conciously, she couldn't stop blushing for some reason. Fred and George sat opposite Mina and picked up on her red face.

"Ey, ey! Look at Mina! She's gone red!" Fred jeered, as Mina's smile faded. "Why so flustered Mina?" he sniggered, a twinkle in his eye, being his usual cheeky self. Molly tutted to him and waggled her finger like he was 5.

"Fred! Stop being so cheeky, leave Mina be!" she said sharply, as he continued, not afraid of his mother anymore.

"You were fine until Sirius started talking to you? Got a little crush on ol' Sirius have we?" Fred chuckled, as George joined in on it, like it was an instinct.

"Ooh, Sirius, kiss me Sirius!" George laughed, making slurping and kissing noises as Mina slammed her fork down and narrowed her glance so it became cold.

"Grow up." she snarled, as they continued to joke, Sirius kept calm and laughed along with them, Mina had known from the first second that he was reliable. Molly frowned to them and slammed down her tea towel so it sounded like it had slapped the table.

"BOYS! GROW UP!" she screamed, as fred and George buttoned thier lips and rocked backwards in thier chairs. Mina smiled and nodded to Molly, before getting up and going back to the room she had cried in the previous day.

She waited. She waited. She waited a little longer. Mina wouldn't leave until Sirius had to come to see her, she had to ask him, but first she to run it in her head. Mina paced up and down in the room, folding her arms and trying to pretend he was right infront of her. She could imagine him so vividly now, those defined blue eyes, that gentle smile... just everything that she had grown to love about him. Mina sighed and ran through some lines.

"Hey Sirius," she said quietly, reciting it to herself, "I just wanted to ask you about the thing you said to me last night... when you thought I was asleep..." she said, before shaking her head and gruffing. Mina tried many times, and thought it through carefully. "Hey Sirius..." she said, as he replied to her, she thought she heard it in her head, but then she flickered around and saw him smiling, standing in the doorway.

"Yes Mina?" he said, chuckling slightly, as Mina gasped.

"Erm.. hello..." she said, blushing once again and hiding her face down.

"Everything ok?" he asked her, as Mina exhaled sharply.

"yeah, yeah fine... I just wanted to ask you something.." she said, as he glided futher towards her.

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