Chapter 6: "If Only You Knew How I Felt About You..."

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Mina quickly shoved some last minute things into her suitcase, her eyes constantly flickering up to the clock that was nearing 7pm. She had opted for a less glamorous outfit this evening: just some leggings, a long top and some dolly shoes, her usual casual clothing. She quickly grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a quick message to Draco.

I'm going somewhere to figure out where my father has got to! See you soon, forever yours, Mina xx

She then grabbed her case and jauntily skipped down the steps and into the courtyard, where the summer glowing sun was almost fading into the blackness. Lupin was standing there with his hands behind his back, gazing in awe at the stars that were sinking into view.

"Beautiful..." he said, as Mina pulled up at his side, he gave her a warm smile and grasped his broom up off of the floor. "Right are you ready?" he said, as Mina gasped quickly.

"We're going on brooms? Mine's inside! What am I going to do?" she blurted, as Lupin rolled his eyes.

"Hurry up Mina, go and get it!" he said sternly, as Mina sped inside, dashing up the steps and to the door to her room, when the figure of Draco slipped infornt of her.

"What's the meaning of this?" he said stoutly, flapping the note infrotn of her face., Mina cringed slightly, she needed to get out of this, and hurry!

"Well... I'm going to look for my father!" she blurted, trying to get past Draco as he frowned.

"Let me come with you then." he said, as Mina grabbed his muscliar biceps.

"No,no,no! You can't!" she instructed, as he glared into her eyes.

"Why not? Something to hide?" he said, as Mina sighed slightly.

"It's just a way away... staying with my aunty..." she said, as Draco bit his lip before shaking his head.

"If I found out you've been lying to me Mina, you'll wish you'd never been born!" he joked, pointing his finger straight into her face. Mina pushing it down lightly and kissed him quickly on the lips, grabbing her broom and scampering back outside. Where Lupin had been hesitating soaring off without her.

"Wow... did you lose it?" he said, laughing heartily, as Mina sighed.

"I was being questioned by Draco." she said, as he nodded to her.

"Mhm. We can't waste anymore time! Let's go!" he said, as they soared up into the sky.

The cold breeze, the sight of the Thames, the stars glinting high in the sky! Everythign around Mina made her feel liberated! She performed a slight roll through the breeze as Lupin closed in beside her.

"Stop showing off! We're already late!" he hissed, as Mina laughed to him, leaning forwards slightly as they sped over the Thames and over to the east side of London, where they slowed down outside of a row of detached houses. Mina stood with her broom close by her.

"Well...." she said, as the houses slowly broke apart and showed a new door, Mina stood there in awe, as Lupin smirked and moved past her to the door, opening it and gazing around himself. They had both paced into a narrow corridor, the floor was laiden with checkered tiles and the walls were decorated with old wallpaper that was fraying away. Everything was old and dusty too, Mina just hoped that the bedrooms were in a better condition. She dropped her broom into the growing pile just outside of a door were voices buzzed; one was very high and sharp, Mina insantly recognised this as Molly Weasley. She didn't really comprehend the other voices, but her thought was interupted when Lupin opened the door and entered himself, 40 pairs of eyes fell upon the young Mina, as she blushed slightly, She never used to go to the Order meetings with her father; as there was no Draco. But it was clear they recognised her.

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