Chapter 9: Father! Father!

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Lonely torches crackled warmly in the dank corridors as Mina slunk to the girl's bathroom, where everyone was spread out over the area, looking for the enterance. Mina rolled her eyes and paced over to Tonks.

"What is everyone doing?" Mina whispered harshly, as Tonks frowned to her.

"We can't find the enterance, so unless you know where it is; stop being an-" Tonks began, as everyone turned to face the block of sinks that was slowly and loudly lowering itself down through the metal grid that surrounded it's base. Mina's eyes twinkleled as the lump of concrete made a hollow noise as it left a hole in the floor, signalling it had finished it's transition. Tonks leaned over and peered into the dark hole that was present to them. "We're going in there?" she said, sounding a little shocked, as Mina slid onto her bottom and pushed herself off into the darkness.

"Lumos!" Mina called, as the tip of her wand emulated a small light. Everyone peered down to Mina as only her face was dimly lit. "Come on everyone! We're wasting time!" she said, as everyone reluctantly plunged down after her, all calling "Lumos" one after another, causing a long line of little lights to march along the dank caverns. Mina trooped at the front, Tonks close behind her as they hauled a large door, with a complex looking lock system. Mina ran her hands over the heavy iron snakes that were woven into the locking device.

"I think it has something to do with Parseltounge." Mina said lightly, as the others shrugged. Tonks gruffed slightly, gritting her teeth.

"How are we supposed to get in if none of us can speak Parseltounge!?" she called furiously, as Mina placed her palm up to her.

"Patience, Nimphadora." Mina said, as Tonk's hair surged red.

"Don't call me Nimphadora!" she snapped, as Mina rolled her eyes, Tonk's hair slowly faded back to it's usual purple colour. Mina closed her eyes and stepped back slightly, as everyone also had to take a step back. Mina's lips parted with a soft whispering, of profound s' and little hisses, like she was a serphant of some kind. Everyone's jaw hung low as Mina stopped and opened her eyes slowly, as the lock made a loud clanging sound, before the snakes slipped into place, and the wide door opened, revealing a long mable tunnel, it looked endless. Mina smiled to herself, as Lupin emerged from behind the rest of the crowd, followed by Sirius and Molly.

"Well done Mina! How did you speak Parseltounge though?" he asked, as Mina cringed slightly. She didn't actually know herself.

"Erm.. luck I guess. Come on! We can't waste anymore time!" she called, as she ran through the corridors. Lupin waivered infornt of the Weasleys.

"You can go now. Thanks for your help." he said abruptley, as he followed Mina, Tonks, Sirius into the tunnel.

Mina could almost hear her father's heart beat, follow his breathing rate, feel his emotions. They were closing in! Mina charged down to the end of the marble tunnel, seeing a long sort of walkway basked in clear water, everything around her seemed to shimmer in moistness. Mina looked around herself warily and paced out, one soaked shoe was plunged into the cold water. But, just then, her bright blue eyes fell upon the figure of a male sitting tied to a chair... a male, with jet black hair.

"FATHER!" Mina called, sprinting down the walkway, as Sirius ran after her.

"Mina! NO!" he shouted after her, but she was too overjoyed to listen. Snape looked up to see his darling daughter, and his eyes widened in fear.

"MINA!" he called, but it was too late. She was dragged into a headlock by Bellatrix who was cackling triumphantly. Severus looked beack down in despair as the rest of the Order charged up to her, wands at the ready. Voldermort sauntered out from behind one of the columns, laughing, as a collection of deatheater's came up behind him, laughing along with the malevolent creature.

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