Chapter 1: Our Tale Begins...

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The world always seems like a giant place, where you can lose yourself, and forget yourself. Sometimes, you get too carried away, and people suffer your consequences.

Mina always hated it when her father forced her back to school. She hated the way people giggled and laughed spitefully because of who she was, and who her father was. Incase you were wondering, Mina's father was none other than Severus Snape, the "ruthless potions teacher". That's the sort of attitude and verdict people had of Mina too. She always hid behind the wall of sleek black hair that fell over her soft slim face. Mina had these beautiful crystal blue eyes, and this helped her when she needed to give silly little boys the cold, assertive stare. She also looked nothing like her father, apart from her hair colour, of course. Infact, Mina was quite beautiful. Soft cheeks, plump lips, gorgeous eyes, a face shape to die for, and a cute little button nose; if that's not pretty, I don't know what is.

"Father, I do not wish to go back..."Mina said weakly, swirring her spoon about in her gloopy porridge. Her father was already moving cases about frantically, seeing that Mina had no interest whatever.

"Mina, that's an immature thing to say, please help me with your cases." he said abruptley, as Mina hauled herself from the chair, her Slytherin green and black tie in a loose knot, her blazer was no where to be seen, and she had tried to hitch her skirt to a raunchy lenght to fit in. Her father looked down on her in awe.

"Mina Snape! How dare you dress in a such manner?" he said, ragging his daughter closer to him and messing about with her tie, tugging it down so that the loose fat knot shrivelled down to a tiny tight ball of material. "Where is your blazer?" he commanded, as he glared to her, as Mina huffed and pulled her skirt back down to knee length.

"It's upstairs, I'll get it." she said drearily, trudging up the stairs, her soft shoes scuffing the worn dirty carpet. She hated the fact her father was a feared professor about Hogwarts, she hated how he made her suffer for it. She decided she hated him. Mina and Severus grew apart when Mina's mother, Faith, died the previous year. Faith had taken care of Mina since she was little, and her father occasionally got time to spend with her. The time they did get was so precious and so fun. He'd make up stories about devilish dragons and fair maidens, and twist and warp your everday fairtytale, into something totally magical. He was good with the little Mina, but as she grew older, and Faith died, he became grouchy like she was a stupid student not willing to learn in one of his classes.

"Mina? Mina! Get your god forsaken blazer and get down here!" Snape called, as Mina's thoughts were stopped, and she was brought back to reality. The 17 year old quickly grasped her blazer and rushed back down the stairs, her father's jaw shifting in pure frustration.

"Your 16 now Mina-"

"17 father." Mina interupted, as she saw his face crumple.

"Stop being smart! Anyway, you should be more independant by now girl, otherwise you won't thrive in this world." he exclaimed, as Mina tried her best not to push him backwards.

"You couldn't even remember my age! Shows something doesn't it?" Mina sighed, barging past him and grabbing her cases as they headed for the station.

The smell of burning coal and hot sweating students was lingering around the dull station. Mina hauled her cases just behind her, losing her father ages ago. He didn't take the train anyway, god knew how he got to Hogwarts each term, Mina wasn't interested anymore.She boarded the train and then she shoved her bags in the overhead storage and rested her arms on the table. Why was she to suffer because of her father, she just wanted everyone to see her for who she was. Mina undid her top button on her shirt, tossed her blazer into her bag, and loosened her tie. Screw her father.

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