Chapter 11: I'd Scale A Tower For You!

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Mina trailed out into the dark skies on her own. it was strangely peaceful to be up there on her own. No-one telling her to speed up or slow down or stay close, it was just her and the stars. She took a deep breath and leant forward slightly, allowing herself to speed up, the longer she took, the more the pain and regret of her stupid mistakes would sink in and take effect. Daylight was slowly dawning as Mina approached the godforsaken school she had learned to hate. The sun's hot rays promised a baking day, but Mina wasn't bothered about that, she was just hoping that Draco would be forgiving enough to take her back, and that her father would accept her for the way she was; a stupid little bitch. Mina exhaled sharply as she landed carefully on the long concrete walkway, allowing her small frame to slip off of her broom sideways, clasping it one hand when her little feet had touched the tired concrete.

"Father.. please just be there..." she murmured, running out in the courtyard and seeing the wide main door towering above her. Mina placed her gentle hands over the tired oak, then moved her hands and tugged at the giant bullring to see if it opened and then gruffed slightly. "It's locked." Mina rolled up her eyes before looking upwards to one of the taller towers, the one which was her fathers private study. "Right then..." Mina groaned, as she placed her footing on one uneven brick, her long nails griiping tightly into the holes in the wared old limestone. Her arms ached and her back strained, but Mina scaled the tower until she reached the window, gasping for breath, the sun was now dawning highly, bringing about the waking of students, Mina peered sneakely into her father's room, seeing him slumped at a desk, she was praying he hadn't of drifted off to sleep; he didn't do that much nowadays, what with the stress and what not. She gazed wistfully open his frmae as it shifted up slightly, and Mina cleared her throat to get his attention, he bolted slightly and turned around sharply as a result of the noise.

"Mina?" he said, sounding shocked and happy. Mina forgot all of her worries and allowed her body to relax, her musceles untensed... prehaps a little too much.

"Father- AH!" she screamed, as one of her arms let go of the rough wall, resulting in a slight tear on her skin. Mina winced slightly as her father craned out of the window, his black hair caught infront of his face.

"Mina! Hold on!" he called, sounding like he really cared... for once. Mina nodded, trying to hold back the tears of fear that were bubbling behind those crystal blue eyes.

"I- I can't hold on much longer! HELP!" Mina screamed, as her father tried his best to pull her from the wall, the fact that no-one else was around or below Mina to catch her scared her even more. "Father! Help me!" she called, getting desperate as you could see the veins pulsing quickly on her forehead, the air puffed out in his cheeks and pure look of strife upin his features. He eventually pulled his slender daughter through the window and they layded ina crumpeled pile by the wide window, gasping from breath.

"Mina. You stupid girl." he father joked, laughing inbetween the gasps, Mina leant on him like she was 5, as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm sorry for being such a stupid, useless daughter, and I'm sorry I'm never good enough..." she mumbled, close to tears, as Severus kissed her silky hair.

"No. Admittedly you are one of the most insolent kids I know at times, but I love you Mina, whatever choices you make." he said softly, as Mina exhaled very quietly, it was almost a sigh.

"Sometimes you don't act like it... you act like you want me dead or something..." she mumbled darkly to him, as he tightened the grip around her frame.

"No of course not, I just deal with change in my own way." he said, pulling himself from the floor, and giving Mina one last hug. "You should go to your room and get ready for the days lessons." he said, as Mina nodded. It was like everything was back to normal, but it was far from it.

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