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Rafiki takes the guard outside his tree and to a grassy clearing.
"Let's play a game, shall we? Hide and seek. Fuli, you hide and the others track, using their marks. Ono, no flying and Kion, no sniffing." Says Rafiki.
"Is that how you guys always find me?" Asks Bunga.
Fuli ignores Bunga. "Good luck guys."
She runs to find a place to hide. In less than 5 seconds later. Fuli is out of sight. The boys place their paw/wing over their mark and try to concentrate on tracking Fuli. Bunga concentrates so hard that he farted, creating a green cloud that everyone tried to get away from.
"Oh, Bunga!" Snaps Ono, covering his beak.
"Gross!" Complains Beshte.
Kion steps away from the others to concentrate. He closes his eyes and feels the heat coming off his mark. Kion looks at his shoulder to see it dimly glow yellow. He moves a little to find the brightest glow, which he follows.
"I can see you." Laughs a echoing voice.
Kion recognised the voice instantly. Fuli. Kion continues tracking her until...
Kion pins down Fuli and feels the heat on his shoulder disappear.
"Ok, ok, you win. Can you get off me, now?" Asks Fuli.
"No. Not until I..." Replies Kion before getting cut off by Fuli.
"Get one of these?" She asks, giving him a kiss.
Kion blushes and let's her up.
"I think I'm getting the hang of this tracking ability." He says.
"I can see. I sense the others. They are doing terribly." Fuli scoffs.
Kion looks over the grass to see his friends trying to work out the tracking ability.
Bunga is slapping his arm, trying to stop the glowing from turning on and off.
Ono is taking the glowing too seriously and acts like its a voice command machine.
"Keep glowing! I don't get how this works."
Beshte is talking to his mark like its a living thing.
"Could you pretty please help me track Fuli?"
Rafiki slaps himself in the face. Kion couldn't help but find it funny.
"Should we see if we can help them out?" Asks Fuli.
Kion nods and they join the others.

"Well done Kion. I can see you trust Fuli with all your heart and life." Says Rafiki.
Kion and Fuli look at each other and smile. They couldn't help but blush a little.
"This is how it's done. Trust one another and try to connect with them. That's the trick." Continues Rafiki. "Let's try communication. Spread out around the tree and try to hear each other's thoughts."
The guard does what he says and spread out around the tree.

'I'm hungry. I could really go for some bugs right now.' Thought Bunga.
'You're always hungry for bugs, Bunga.' Snaps Fuli.
'Oh, hi Fuli. I didn't realise that this was actually working.' Replies Bunga.
'Well it is.' Says Kion joining the chat.
'CAN ANYONE HEAR ME!?!? This is giving me a headache.' Yells Ono.
'Hey! Easy Ono! You almost made my ears burst.' Replies Bunga.
'Ono, I bet I could hear you from a mile away.' Says Beshte.
'Hey Beshte. Looks like we got this mastered.' Says Fuli.
"Well done, lion guard. Judging by your facial expressions I can tell that you have this skill mastered." Says Rafiki. "Now let's try signalling. I want you to spread out so you can't see each other. Ono will signal Kion, then he will signal Bunga, who will signal Fuli, who will then signal Beshte, then he will signal Ono and he will tell me if you've succeeded."

Everyone spreads out until they can't see each other. Ono closes his eyes and covers up his mark. His mark flickers white and red. Kion sees his mark glowing white. He then covered up his mark and sees it glow red and blue. Bunga marvels at the sight of his glowing mark. As much as he wanted to watch it, he needed to send a signal to Fuli. Bunga watches his mark glow blue and yellow. Not too far away, Fuli sees her mark glowing blue. She concentrates her power on Beshte and watches the mark flicker yellow and grey. Beshte looks at his mark and sends the signal to Ono. Ono got the signal and tells Rafiki.
"Yes! Very good. Please tell them they can come back." Smiles Rafiki.
'Can anybody hear me?' Asks Ono.
'Loud and clear.' Says Kion.
'Yay! You're not yelling.' Cheers Bunga.
'We hear you Ono.' Says Beshte.
'Did the signal go the whole way?' Asks Fuli.
'Yes everyone, the signal went the whole way. Rafiki would like us to come back.' Informs Ono.
'Is anyone else tired?' Asks Bunga.
'Rafiki did say that using these powers would make us tired.' Says Fuli.
The meet back at Rafiki's tree.
"I see you have all exhausted yourselves. We shall continue practicing these to help build up your stamina but for now, I want you all to go the lair and get some rest." Instructs Rafiki.
Everyone else nods, groans and yawns in agreement. They go back to the lair.

At the lair, everyone went to their usual places. Ono flew up to his nest, Beshte went into the little pool and rests his head on a rock, Bunga went to sleep on Beshte's back, Kion went to sleep on his rock with Fuli by his side.
"Have a nice nap everyone." Yawns Kion.
"Night guys." Says Fuli sleepily.
"Night everyone." Yawns Beshte.
"Don't let the bed bugs bite." Smiles Bunga, knowing Ono will panic.
"Bed bugs?! Where?" Panics Ono.
Everyone laughs a little. Kion and Fuli cuddle up and the others couldn't help but let out an 'aww'.
"Go to bed." Snaps Fuli.

Power of Friendship #6Where stories live. Discover now