To the unborn

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To music_rocks123

Peyton's video to her unborn child...thx for d suggestion... This quotes literally makes me cry...


Peyton: The Honorary Title, Matthew Ryan, The Cure, Audioslave, Haley James-Scott. They're all in here. It's music to save your life and music always helps, no matter what you're going through. So if you flunk a big test or you have a really bad breakup or you just miss someone so bad that it hurts, then listen to my playlist "a hundred songs to save your life". Then that should help. ... My best friend - okay this one is so important; choose wisely, I got really lucky with mine. My best friend is funny, intelligent, creative, beautiful, and successful, and very kind. She's also impulsive, frustrating, um complicated, childish, but I would not have her any other way. And the best part about Brooke Davis is that she always puts friends first. So if you are ever in any kind of trouble, you know who to call. I can't think of anyone I'd rather have watching over you...I really hope that we get to share these things together, but just in case - they're in here. Now there's just one thing I need from you, please take very special care of your father, because if I'm not around he's gonna need you to take care of him just like my dad needed me. So love him. And take care of him. And be kind to him, just please do that for me.

So here you are....
Luv u all
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