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| chapter four —  training |

| chapter four —  training |

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winter walked alongside johanna as she climbed inside a elevator with katniss, peeta and haymitch. "hello, everyone." the district four tribute said with a smile and a nod. "also peeta, sorry about the rush earlier, i didn't mean to just run off like that, the parade was starting and i didn't want to have me running behind. is it okay if i just press to get off at the district four level?"

"it's alright and of course." peeta said with a kind smile in return. johanna smiled.

"you guys look amazing." johanna said as she lifted her hands and turned around.

"thank you." katniss said as she watched in bewilderment, her eyes flicking to winter every once in a while to see the older girl smiling and shaking her head.

johanna began tearing the accessories off her head. "my stylist is such an idiot. district seven, lumber, trees. ugh." winter watched as the doors opened. 

"it was nice meeting you all and johanna, play nice with the children." winter said jokingly towards the district seven girl who all just flipped her off.

"oh shut it district four." johanna said before the doors closed and winter made her way down the hallway. the brunette smiled as she opened the door to see finnick lounging on the couch, popping sugar cubes into his mouth, he was now in much more comfortable clothing.

"hey there, neckline." finnick said as he sat up from his position.

winter rolled her eyes as she took her hair down from the braids. "hey there, fish net." finnick let out a laugh before winter walked towards her room, changing into comfortable clothes and walking back into the living area.

"i think johanna might have scarred the children." winter said as she plopped down beside finnick, accepting the sugar cube he held out to her. 

finnick laughed softly. "they were going to meet her sooner or later." he said as he leaned his head on winter's lap, her hands moving instinctively to his soft blond hair.

winter hummed softly as she ate the sugar cube finnick had given her. she sighed. "we should get some sleep. training tomorrow." finnick nodded and sat up, stretching his arms out as he stood, pulled winter up with him. "finnick?" he hummed. "can you stay in my room tonight?"

finnick turned and looked at the girl sincerely. "of course, any time you need me, i'll be there for you." winter smiled and pulled finnick into a hug. he returned it of course and the two stayed that way for a while before winter pulled away and the two tributes went to bed.


winter and finnick stood near the hook station, their eyes trained on looking at the other tributes. finnick looked at winter who nodded before moving over to the trident. winter however, stayed with the hooks. she leaned over and began to make little hooks when she heard a voice beside her. 

"that's beautiful." winter looked up to see katniss everdeen standing there, somewhat of a soft smile on her face.

"thank you. my mom and mason taught me well i suppose." winter said in reply as she stood straight to look at the district twelve tribute.


"yeah, my district partner. the, uh, district two male tribute slit his throat in the arena. i get nightmares every night. . . watching him die and not being able to help him." winter went off into a trance before snapping back to reality with a smile. "but he'd be happy i'm still here."

"if you teach me how to make a hook like that, i could teach you how to use a bow." katniss proposed and winter grinned, nodding her head.

"sure, why not?" winter leaned back down to the hook. "katniss, sweetie, you gotta come closer if you wanna see it." katniss smiled and moved closer. after the hook was made and katniss attempted to make one as well. the two made their way over to the bow and arrow station.

"do you wanna try with me? katniss asked as he picked up a sleek black bow, throwing arrows behind her back.

"no, no, i'll stay out here and watch you." winter said with a friendly smile. katniss nodded and opened the glass door. she watched as katniss pressed on a key pad. the walls darkened as katniss stepped on the black pad.

orange beams extended from the walls and then began to move, katniss's bright blue eyes followed each beam closely. a person made from the orange beams ran towards katniss, but the brunette shot it with an arrow before it could get close to her. winter smiled, katniss was very skilled with a bow but much like herself during her first games, katniss needed to know hand to hand combat. another orange person wielding a bow and katniss shot it. a person behind her threw an orange spear which she dodged easily and shot an arrow at it. 

another orange person came running up from behind katniss but again, the mockingjay shot an arrow through it. her eyes chased one running along one of the upper panels before she shot it. she spun quickly, shooting one running towards her, she dodged one who threw an axe, ducked and rolled before shooting upwards at it. 

winter heard noise behind her and saw other tributes coming up to the glass, finnick standing beside winter with a impressed look on his face. both winter and finnick shared a look and a nod before paying attention to katniss once again. katniss spun quickly and shot another. she turned again, shooting one that was diving at her from above. 

katniss breathed in and out slowly and turned to see all the tributes looking at her, wiress clapping which brought a smile to winter's face. after seeing that, she mostly definitely wanted katniss as an ally.


after showering all the sweat off their bodies from training, winter and finnick now sat on her bed, talking about allies.

"so we both agree we want katniss." winter nodded as finnick continued. "and peeta as well, he and katniss are a package deal. who else?"

"johanna, wiress, beetee." winter said before rolling her lips. "i'd rather not have career's, we don't have a good history." she looked away in thought. "i'd take any of them, except the careers."

"but we have a solid agreement on katniss, peeta, johanna, wiress and beetee?" finnick said watching as winter nodded once again, running her hand through her short chocolate waves. 

"why don't we just, sleep. minty would slaughter us if she found out we were up this late with another few days of training on the way." finnick nodded as he lay back, slipping his legs under the covers with winter joining not far behind. his arms wrapped around her and hers around him. they both closed their eyes, finnick falling asleep faster than winter but they slept non the less.

 the two were trying to get as much sleep as they could get, knowing in the arena they wouldn't get much sleep at all.


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