Insane Love

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After dropping off Maegan, I drove back home. The house was pretty quiet. My siblings were most likely in their rooms while Yuri was in the guest room. I brought whatever food I had left to the dining room and continued to eat it. After finishing, I headed to the guest room.

I expected to see Yuri, but she wasn't there. Where exactly could she have gone? Well, she'll probably be back soon.

I started to read some stories on my phone. I wasn't one to read much, but I liked to see the fan fictions that people wrote on wattpad.

As I was about to advance to the next part in one of the stories, I heard the closet door creak. I could only assume it was Yuri.


I looked at the slightly open closet door. I peeked and saw Yuri looking out, causing me to slightly jump.

"What the- Yuri, what are you doing?"

"I-I had no idea you were back already. But then I heard my name and I..." she looked down at her left arm. There were cuts all over, some of them fresh. She had my switchblade in her right hand, which she must've been using to cut herself.

"Yuri no, come on... don't do that." I gently took the knife away from her. As soon as I did, she let out a smile that slowly widened.

I found it creepy for about a second or so, but then I found it... exciting? It made me want to smile too. Hell, it made me want to do all kinds of things, although I'm not exactly sure what.

She started to breath quickly. She just stared at me as she did, which made me feel extremely happy. I looked at the knife in my hand. I then looked at her arm. So many cuts... I felt like I wanted to add my own. Her arm was kind of like a canvas for the knife.

As I grabbed her arm, she started to giggle, which quickly turned into a hysterical laugh. I laughed with her, making sure mine was louder and crazier than hers.

Then she stopped.

She looked at me confused, as if she wasn't sure what had just happened.

"Danny? Y-You're shaking."

I looked at me hands. I was shaking. Quite a bit, actually. I could feel my breath slowing as I tried to calm down.

"Are you okay," she gently asked.

After a couple more breaths, I answered. "Yeah, I'm fine. I don't know what got into me, I just felt so... well I don't know what I felt."

I was lying. I did know, but I didn't want to remember. I wasn't gonna go back to that.

"It's alright. Maybe you just need to rest."

"I uh, well maybe you're right."

She gently hugged me, allowing me to fully calm down. I thought I was past those feelings already, but I guess not. All I could do was hope that I wouldn't go back to that. I couldn't become a killer, I had to stay sane.

After our hug was broken, I lied in the bed and Yuri lied next to me. She looked at me with a gentle smile, reassuring me that everything was fine now. After what had happened though, I had to be sure.

"Hey Yuri, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling okay. How about you?"

"I am too."

"That's good."

I turned to my side. "Yup."

A deep silence followed afterwards. As I lied down, my worries started to increase. I couldn't help but feel like something bad was gonna happen. Like I would end up losing control of myself and doing something that I'd regret.

At this point, I'd dismiss the thought and just say I was overthinking. Not this time. No, this time I felt like this was something I should be worried about.

Hopefully some rest could help me think a little better. Maybe calm me down? I don't know, I'm sure it would help somehow.

I wasn't able to clear me head and I soon fell asleep with all the worrying thoughts.

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