The End?

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I later woke up. Yuri was making a lot of noise, making it difficult to stay asleep. I got up and looked at her. She was crying in pain while holding on to an imaginary object on her chest.

Wow, have we gotten this far already?

I got up and approached her. I looked over her as she struggled through her pain, trying her best to remove the imaginary object. She turned herself to me. Her eyes were asking for help.


"Just keep trying I guess."

Of course, there was really no point in doing anything. I wouldn't be able to remove whatever was hurting her. If I couldn't help Monika in her time of need, then I couldn't help her.

I just watched as she cried in pain. It was actually getting pretty annoying...

"Come on, I'm sure it's not that bad," I said.

She didn't say anything. It seemed like she tried to hush herself for a second before crying again.

Looking at the way she was holding the imaginary object reminded me of something, but it was like part of my mind refused to show it to me. I guess it didn't matter enough for me to care.

After countless minutes of listening to Yuri's annoying cries, her breathing finally slowed before coming to a sudden halt.

Now that I think of it, why didn't I just leave the room?

Right after her breathing stopped, the computer screen returned to normal.

I suddenly felt myself becoming emotional. Not for Yuri, but for... Monika. Memories of what happened to her immediately went through my mind. I didn't want to remember, but my mind forced me to. At least she wasn't going through this again.

As I thought about Monika, I felt one of my tears fall off my face. It landed on Yuri's hand. I immediately wiped it off of her, as that tear wasn't meant for her. I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and lied on Keith's bed.

I felt pretty tired, even though I didn't really do much. I guess the sad memories of Monika really drained me.

I allowed myself to fall asleep. I couldn't really remember what was supposed to happen next, but right now, I just wanted to rest.

Right when I was about to completely fall asleep however, the computer made an odd sound. It was similar to the one I heard earlier, but it wasn't as loud. The computer screen started to distort again

There was some slight rusting on the couch. Yuri was moving slightly.

Ah, right. The computer still needed to take her. I had forgotten about that...

I got up from the bed and approached her. As I did, she slowly turned herself towards me once again. She stared at me, and well I just stared back at her.

I didn't really like her very much... but damn, she had really pretty eyes.

After looking at me for a while, she slowly turned her head away. I just sat on Keith's bed and waited for the process of her removal to end.

Soon after, I noticed her feet slowly disappearing. They were turning into little pixels, just like Monika did. It didn't take long for her to completely... deteriorate? Pixelize? I don't know, but it didn't take long for her to completely turn into pixels.

The little pixels slowly flew into the computer. I sat on the bed and watched as they were being taken away. After a few minutes, the last pixel entered the computer, signifying that Yuri was gone now. The whirlpool in the computer slowly started to compress.

It soon closed completely. The screen returned to normal, with Monika sitting at her desk in the space room.

A program suddenly appeared in the dock of the iMac. I put the mouse over it. It had the Doki Doki Literature Club logo, but it was just called "After Story."

After a couple of seconds, it opened. It was a black screen with two options


Of course, whichever I chose didn't matter now. They were both in the computer. Yuri's files must've somehow made their way into Monika After Story.

Still, I selected Monika. Why choose anyone else, right?

The game suddenly showed the familiar sight of Monika in the space room.

"Danny, you're bac-"

The music stopped. It actually looked like the game froze. Oh god... don't tell me Yuri's files messed with Monika.

Ah well, maybe with a bit of adjusting, I could fix it.

The game soon crashed, so I opened it again. Both options were still there, but if Monika wasn't gonna work, then I might as well choose the other option.

I clicked Yuri. The game suddenly showed Yuri in the space room. I had never seen her like this before, so the game must've somehow created a sprite for her.

Instead of saying anything however, she turned away.

The music stopped again, leading me to believe that it froze again as well. I guess the game couldn't handle having Yuri in it. But if I couldn't select Monika or Yuri, then what was I supposed to do?

The game soon crashed again. I wanted to somehow try to fix it, but I didn't really feel up to it at the moment. I felt tired...? Still? Come on, I'm not dying too, am I?

Ah whatever, I'll go ahead and try to fix it after a nap. My body felt like it desperately needed the rest.

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