New Leader

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I headed to the Blood Angel hangout. As soon as I got out of the car, a gang member approached me.

"Hey, you're the fucker that was gonna shoot Cain!" He grabbed my shirt and pulled out a knife. "I should kill you right here!"

Another member approached him and hit him. "You idiot, don't you remember what Cain said? He was gonna join us, and that if any of us laid a finger on him, we'd be killed."

The member immediately let go. "I'm sorry man, I didn't know."

I gave him a stern look. "Think before you act next time. What's your name?"


"Well Mason, I suggest that you watch yourself. I don't want anymore problems, alright?"

He just backed away. The other member gestured me to follow him. He led me to where I ended up yesterday. I saw Cain with a beer by his side. This time, he was counting money. I'm sure he just wanted to look like a big shot.


"Hey Danny! So I'm happy to hear that you're gonna become a fellow Blood Angel."

"Yeah. By the way, Mason's an asshole. I want him dead."

"Mason? He's a good guy, maybe you should-"

"Kill him."

"O-of course man, no need to worry about that, I'll take care of it. You won't be seeing him around anymore after today."


"Uh... Hey! L-let me put you in our gang chat!"

Intimidated, are we?

I assumed the "gang chat" was just a chat that was made up of the members. I soon got a notification on my phone. I checked it and saw that I was added to the chat.

"Alright Danny, now uh, only you and I can send messages here unless we request that someone else do so. I know you don't know there names, but if you ask a question, someone will gladly answer you, I'm sure. You are second in command after all."

"Alright then, I'll see ya." I started heading for the exit.

"Wait Danny! We're uh, not finished yet..."

"What is it, Cain?"

"So, you're sure that you're not gonna help Brandon?"

"I'm sure."

"Alright well... then can you help me get my money from him?"

"Sure, but I want half of it. How much does he owe you?"

"Six thousand."

"Damn, that's quite a bit."

"Make sure he gets it within the next three days."

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then I want uh, want you to send him to a far away place."

"Dead. Got it. Alright then, I'll see what I can do."

"Does he know you're working for me now?"


"Well then tell him that if he doesn't pay me, I'll kill you both. That should convince him."

"Alright. So within the next three days, right?"

"Two now. Yesterday was the first. I want you to make sure I get it by Wednesday."

"I got it. I'll make sure he either pays or dies.

"I hope to see you soon, Danny."

I headed to my car. I guess that was that. I'd have to either help Brandon get the money, or I'd have to kill him. Either one shouldn't be a problem.

I drove back to my house. By the time I got there, it was already 12:30. I entered and saw Yuri reading on the couch while Sarah was watching cartoons.

Yuri looked up from her book. "Danny you're back."

My sister turned to me also. She didn't say a word and just turned back to the TV."

"Yeah, I'm back," I said.

"What were you up to?"

"Can you stop being so nosy? It's none of your business, I was just out doing some things."

She looked back at her book. "I'm sorry."

I headed back to the guest room and got on my phone. I didn't really have much else to do. I just distracted myself until it was time to head to the hospital with Mike.

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