Free Time

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I woke up and checked my phone. It was 9:37 and I had a message from Roland. Dammit... did Brandon go back? Would I have to kill him this time?

I unlocked my phone and read the message. It was a short paragraph.

"Cain called and told me what happened. The gangs disappointed. I'm disappointed. How could you do that to us? You were like our brother. We helped you find Kyle and we even gave you our only gun. I had a lot of respect for you, but not anymore. Just be glad we ain't coming for you, but if you need something, don't come crying to us. You ain't a brotha anymore."

I just left it on read. I didn't need to respond, there was no point in keeping contact with them. They weren't the ones I needed to worry about, anyway.

Really, the only ones I needed to focus on were Yuri and my siblings. I don't care what stands in my way... I need to be tough enough to face it head on.

I felt worried at the thought, but I was sure there was some part of me that could handle it.

I went to my brothers room to get some clothes. I took a shower and brushed my teeth so that I could be ready for the day.

After I was done, I sat on the couch and watched some TV. I didn't want to wake up Yuri. I'm sure she'd rather be sleeping.

While I was watching TV, I received a message from Keith. Why would he be messaging me?

Without overthinking it too much, I unlocked my phone and viewed the message.

"Hey Danny," the message said.

"Hey Keith."

"How are you? I haven't seen you since you left on Saturday."

"I've been fine."

"I've been good. How's Yuri?"

"She's alright too."

"Ah well that's good. I just wanted to remind you that if you need help with anything, I'm here."

"Thanks Keith."

"Alright well, I'll let you go, I need to help dad with something. Maybe we can hang out soon?"

"I'll see if I can."

"Alright nice. I'll see you later Danny."


I put the phone down and continued to watch TV. After about twenty more minutes, I got bored and turned it off. Honestly, it seemed like I didn't really have much to do today.

I could sleep. Passes the time, I guess.

I headed to the guest room. Yuri was still sleeping, so I decided to just sleep too.

I didn't really feel all that tired, though. I just didn't have anything else to do. It was just me and my thoughts. My thoughts and memories...

I found myself thinking a lot as I lied there. I kept remembering Kyle and what I did to his members. It seemed that I couldn't forget it, no matter how hard I tried.

I mean, I had my reasons for killing Kyle, but what about his members? I killed them all. And not only that, I enjoyed it.

I felt like that was really getting to me. To know what kind of a monster I was. I'm just glad I didn't do the same to Brandon...

Alright Danny, stop. Go to bed.

After a couple of minutes of clearing my head, I managed to force myself to sleep.

I later woke up again. I checked my phone and saw some more messages, but I was too tired to check them. I also saw Yuri dressed in her Metallica shirt and leggings while reading her book. As I got up, she smiled at me.

"Good afternoon, Danny."

I stretched. "Oh, uh, good afternoon, Yuri. What time is it?"

She checked her phone. "2:02."

Wow, I didn't expect to nap for that long.

I looked at my phone again and looked at the messages. I had one from Maegan and one from Cain. I decided to look at the one from Maegan first. It read,

"Hey Danny. I was wondering if you were busy today. Maybe we could hang out or something, I don't know."

I mean, I could probably make time for it if she really wanted to. I mean, I don't know why she'd want to, but I didn't really mind it.

I went to Cain's message and checked it out. It read,

"Hey Danny. I just wanted to let you know that I told Brandon's gang about what you did. Don't be alarmed though, they said they wouldn't come after you. I told them that if they tried anything, that I would have them all killed the next day. I really appreciate what you did. Keep in touch."

Well I guess that meant no work today? I'm sure he would've by now, with it being the afternoon already.

If that was the case, then I guess I really wouldn't be doing anything today.

I just sat and observed my surroundings. I noticed Yuri's book and realized that it probably didn't fit her tastes. I think I had recalled that she preferred the horror genre.

"Hey so uh, how's your book," I asked.

She looked at me. "It's nice, I'm enjoying it so far?"

"You are? Well uh, if you'd like I could uh, like uh... like..."

What was I saying?

She gently giggled and smiled. "You could what?"

"What? Oh, like, I could take you to find another book if you want."

"Well it's alright, I'm doing fine with this one."

"I uh, I insist! We can go to the mall or something."

What was I doing? I'm not ready for this...

She smiled. "Alright then."

I smiled back, but felt awkward doing it. I got my keys from my dresser and grabbed my pocket knife from one of the dresser drawer. I left my pistol behind, since I was pretty sure I wouldn't need it. I kind of wanted to leave my knife behind too, but I rarely left it behind.

It kept giving me a feeling of discomfort. I couldn't forget what I had used it for.

I tried not to let it distract me though. I had to focus on driving.

On the way to the mall, I started thinking about Maegan's message. If she wanted to hang out, then I'd have to do it soon. I could be pretty forgetful at times, and I didn't want her to feel like I just blew her off or something.

Would Yuri feel that way though? Hopefully not. Maybe I could spend the day with one of them and then the next day with the other? Now the question is, who would I spend it with first?

(Make Your Choi-

No, I think I got it. I'll just see how the day goes. If we end up at home not doing much, I'll spend time with Maegan. If it gets late, then I'll already have spent the day with Yuri, anyway. See, I'm not that bad at planning.

Yuriality Alternative (Broken Love)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें