You Try Jet

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He was entertained for a while. What stopped him from joking with you was when you revealed that you were acting this way because you took some Jet. His mood soured and he frowned.

"Boss... You don't need that stuff to be silly.... You're already silly," He said.

You didn't know if you felt complimented or insulted.



Well, since this was his idea to begin with he was entertained when it made you comment things in a really funny way. He remained amused until you threw up and started convulsing. That night you found out that you were deathly allergic to Jet.



It made him feel betrayed. One of the things you guys promised each other was that you wouldn't use chems. Yet here you were stoned out of your mind in front of him. You had to apologize like crazy and swear to him that it will never happen again.



He shook his head and told you that you don't need to do that type of thing. You didn't take him seriously, but then he started to pretty much beg you not to do it again. You agreed to that.



He glared, "Oh, so you think it's cool to trade your life for a buzz?"

He didn't even let you answer before he stormed off angrily. You assured him that you wouldn't try it again later that night.



She didn't really like that you tried Jet, but she wasn't going to get on your case about it. Just as long as this doesn't become and addiction then why should she?

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