Funhouse At Nuka World

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He trailed behind you while you wandered the halls and corridors. He didn't make any comments until you got out of the room with the spinning floor that was surrounded by doors.

"That room was spinning. The same way a certain alcoholy drink would," He said.

You remained quiet, waiting for him to finish the joke.

"Nevermind, you make the joke. Fuck you!" He said in an amused tone.

You rolled your eyes.



You guys went into the room with many doors, he was okay.... Then you jumped onto the twirling nuka bottles, fine. Through the glowing, spinning corridors, still fine. The moment you two got to the next room though...

"Woooh! (name)! We're standing on the walls!" He suddenly screamed.

You took a good look at the room you guys were. The ground did look like you were standing on the wall of the house, with the 'ground' around you instead of under you. You would be lying if you said that this didn't make you do a double take. Eventually you did figure out that it was just tricking your eyes, and you were getting ready to tell Hancock that but he was tripping on it too much to listen. He laid on the floor and you ended up having to drag him out of there.



He had a riot in there. It was obvious by how energetic he was, and the twinkle of childlike wonder in his eyes. He did try his best to act casual but he wasn't about to fool you with that act. Especially when it was all over and he looked at you with a smile on his face asking you if you could through it one more time. You couldn't say no.



He was calm and collected, like always. You on the other hand.....

"Ahhh! What the hell!"

"The floor is spinning! Just like it is at metal concerts prewar!"

"Why is the ground on the walls! WHY IS THE-AAAH!"

Nick had to use all his patience. Luckily he has a lot.



She didn't freak out, no that would've been easy. Instead.... All that spinning and disorienting eye trick made her......

It made her....


She vomited into the nearest trashcan.

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