You Wear Their Clothes/They Wear Yours

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Deacon was sleeping. His mouth was open, his glasses were falling off, and his snoring sounded like a wild bear was in the room. You were nearby just looking over him while he slept while trying to figure out how to carry out your diabolical plan.... Taking his shades and wearing them! You look to your left, then your right and attempt to take them by simply just pulling them off his nose. Unfortunately he must've had those things surgically attached because the moment you even slightly brushed your fingers on the frames he swatted your hand away.

"Hey! Hands off the specs!" He scolded
You give him a look then ask him, "Does anyone even call them that anymore?"
Deacon just gave you that charismatic smile of his and shrugged.



He had a migraine at the time and asked if you could massage his temples(He could've done it himself but you were comforting to him and that helps).

He laid his head on your lap, you take off his hat since you figure it would be easier for you without it. You looked around for a place to put it. Not seeing really much of a better option you wear it on your head. You rub his temples and you could just tell that his tension was melting away. After a while he sat up a let out a content sigh.
"Thanks, sunshine... Oh yeah by the way you look cute in my hat,"



He thought that you looked so adorable in a bandana so he wanted to see if he could pull that look off just like you do. So one day he just randomly out of nowhere approached you.

"Can I try your bandana on?" He asked bluntly
Before you could answer, he pulled the thing directly off your neck and ran off. Let's just say you never got your favorite bandana back and to be honest, you weren't even mad at the dork for it.



That coat of his was so neat. Even with the patches, cigarette stains, and coolant smell. In fact to you that only added to since it reminded you of him. One afternoon he left you alone at the agency and you were in his chair peeking at files and spinning around in the seat when you noticed that, for some miraculous reason, Nick left his trench coat behind. You didn't even need to think twice before going over to it and putting it on. You stood in front of a mirror.

"I'm crumble-bot 3000! Bah! Eddie Winter and now I'm back to being the last prototype synth!" You said in your best Nick impression.
You were about to continue on until you heard familiar chuckling behind you. You turn and look to see Nick standing there with a plain white tee shirt on, his pants, suspenders, and his fedora.
"If you aren't careful doll I might start think that you're a replacement sent from the institute," He said.



The day you met him in Nuka World he gave you his top hat. You didn't start wearing it though until you started seeing him again. You hoped that he would notice and think that you looked good in it. He hasn't said anything about it, so that remains to be seen.



You and her were hanging out down by the lake. She was messing around with the bracelets on your wrist. At first it just seemed like she was absent-mindedly playing with them until she tugged one off.

"Hey that's not yours!"
"It is now," Piper said with a giggle.
You gave her the stink eye, but she only kept smirking at you. Lucky for Piper though by the time the day ended you had forgotten that she even took it from you to begin with.

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