Painting The Guy Companions Nails

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He let you without a fight. He offered his hand and you got to work. Deacon kept trying to peek at what you were doing, but you blocked his vision, wanting him to wait until you were done (even though you were only painting them red). When you finally let him see them, he admired his painted nails.

"Are my hands pretty yet?" Deacon asked you.

"Yeah.... Well for ashy ape hands anyway," You joked.

Deacon put his hand on his chest and pretended to be hurt.

"I'm just shocked! Just hurt that you would say that!" He hammed this up.

"You'll get over it," You smiled at him.

He smiled back.



He was a bit hesitant to let you, but he agreed to do it when you said you'd do some nail art. 'Make me stand out if we're gonna do this' He'd said. You were going to do that.... Just not in the way he was thinking. You began painting his nails, evil intent in mind. You got done, he looked at and then shot you an irritated look because you put a bunch of text talk phrases on his nails to make him feel silly. You definitely accomplished making him feel like that.

He got up from his seat, "God damn (name), I can't believe you sometimes,"

He walked off into another room and you only kind of felt bad.



He refused no matter what you offered him so you left him alone after a lot of bickering. Well..... You did until night rolled around and he fell asleep in the place you guys decided to hold up in. He had his hand hanging off of the side of the couch he slept on and you couldn't resist. You immediately went over to him and painted his nails while he slept. When he woke up and saw that his nails were pink he didn't speak to you for a week.



"My hand is metal,"

"I can paint the other hand,"

"It will make me look unprofessional in front of clients,"

"They won't care,"

This argument continued until you got a dubious 'yes' from him, which was enough for you. You painted his synthetic nails purple. Nick was inwardly screaming the whole time. He didn't want to upset you though, so he didn't say that to you. Instead he pretended to like them.

"Umm thank you.... That looks great,"



He wasn't about to let you do that. When you got near him he teleported, he started wearing gloves around you, and he would wait for you to fall asleep first. Nope, no way you were going to get him to no matter how hard you try.

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